The Buffalo Commercial from Buffalo, New York (2024)

i Hovemonl of Colore Jtcpueli-rans. iL.ui ifaatofttiose wbodle. ci iv 1' lii ii loliowins; IxiS ftt ii 1 1 1 cruartt-a dliinod anu io-eiel 1' No I r-inf-K suid tniriv today st tue quotation: Bast clr.Ci;ens by the -i tit-nvi. liar, bu ii i 4 cira sovereiy tte conduct of physicians vrtrn EuFaio. Thursday Even's, March 23.

1372. 5 siu 1 u- Turtt-vs Best MATE uf.THB ItKATMZS. diito seieuted ftt whsoi ooina up uuds.r lu eoncpal exsea notice. 1 Corn, IJHIh.1) Kyo, bu Bailey, 57,519 plumnanrl veilow 1 iyto. Ducks Best swaai 87519 37,519 local matters: Sew -kotit.

itoen lud Honey Marliot, "v--- aw York, March 2S. Kossrs." TT. BUST successors to BoBlNttOK Jt famish the annexed teiegra-piiie exhibit of tne fluctuations la the ack and gold market today: -I 1B.30 11-00 12.00 li 2- S.O. i a. it.

A.K. M- r.t. r.u. f.Jf. 1,75157 1,793,148 Total, bn THE HALL PROSECUTION I Pipi Since the abrupt termination of tbe 1ST Store AT CHICAGO.

The touowing statement shows the amount of grain in store on the Ih IHmrlow Mn rdr Cause. tl 00 per pair. Geeae Best at oosssre eacu. MaftaVa luiva stoca fttsurstoi. Burs-Ato, March 28 IS M.

The following shows tbe receipts and shipments of live stock at the Cattle Yards, for the 24 boors ending at noon today: 4 i RECEIPTS. I 11: cars. car, ears. oar. ings in tne recent trial of Hall, several HONGf ANO STOCK NARKCT.

Xiw York, Harch 27 P. M. The Erie exeittnent was renewed wv at an earl hour to-dav fnr-niinir .) The Niagara Ftl inacU-e ears there are vast accumulation of ice bo and below tbe Falis, and the Ice Bridie looks' as though stationed lor the season. The highest of the Alpine range In front of the Falls has been as high as the Cataract, but Is now slowly growing smaller. These solid Ice mountains look as though they might stay over summer.

There were twenty-one" arrests reported this morning, of which eight were lor disorderly conduct, four for assault and battery, seven for larceny and two for vagrancy. Twenty-eight persons took lodgings at the station houses. Two heifers were found oa Chippewa Street near Georgia at nine o'clock last sight. They were looking for the market, but that in- We yesterday alluded to the lad that a Eiecting'of tue colored citizens of Buffalo had been held, for the purpose of organizing a clnb to be auxiliary to, and co-operate with tbe State Council of Colored Men to assemble at Troy on the second Wednesday of May next- We have since received a copy of a circular, which has been distributed throughout the State, setting forth the objects of the Council, giving the plan of operations, Ac Tbe prr-amble states that in order to form a more perfect noloo of tbe eolored Republican voters of the State of Jiew York, and to avoid, as near as may be, tbe great expense and trouble necessarily attending the holding of large and consultations have taken place between toe eoutel for tha prosecution in regard to their future action In the premises. Owing to press- ot late the great feature of Wall Slreet.

'i opening saies were at 1S6. but the stock dates specified: -i MarehSX Wheat, Corn, 5.S27.9S3 Eye, bu. 273 55 Barley, bn 465,898 SOJt 97 Jli 91 i 11 UJt six fix s5-- 1S71. JforcS St, S.432,370 2,2857.1 W1.SS3 60.K55 247,657 -1875 'March 16. 6,319.5 297 1 47880 Lake Shore Bailway 22 1 16 denly broke lrom this point and tumbled nusmess engagements they have not been Reported to arrrve 13 ti'reat Wenttern Railway 1 C1mi CIo't.

"lea to arrive at ary denoite poiicy, but It is iuij Tan was ocossioned by the telegrams from London renortint a Im. f.n Bartiinore, 1 Si 2 brand Trunk Railway. 8 All tor American certirieata. and Aiti tr.r rvn. Jrresn.

Clo'y. rsir. 17 138 -Scpunion Cocrt Tkial Ti Jin. 1. A.

VEiiPLAjiCK, Judge. i- i si. Harnett iilway airt. Jneob Merer ami Action lor rent.

Verdict tor litlaO. Cnwsins liardneret aU ajist. AiUjrt Barnet. Action on promi-isorv note; ueienae of naury. Verrlijttpia.

tor il 1 Kther runes atst Jacot L. Sohoellfcopt Aottrm for damages for ttiainijtlnipg a mix-ce. On trioL i Supreme Court Special George D. Lakost, Justice. Abram Thorn agst.

Mat M. Bnra? et ar; Motion lor jixigmeni lorpliT, for tiO TU. Eef erred to E. C. Celkins.

Eichard Wiley agit. -Inhn Anchtavole. admr, Motion that the judgment of the Court of Appeals be made tiie juxmeiit of thia Court. Grajiteit. Imostene O.

Brown mgnt. John C. Clifford. Motion for order directing' toe words secured on appeal to be entereO the docket of the JndtpiieTit In this OenieL-ttt (JO oosot, with leave to renew motion on new papers. John C.

Strtms agst. eo. Leo. Demurrer by defendant to the eomplirtt nlaintiiT. Emogene swirl mfati, Ali Pattentll.

Mo-Hob to amend uumibna complaint on consent of all parties Keterrti. I'ihts a KB quarts of catarihal dis-fharges. Where does it ll.como fronlt Toe in neons membrane lining the cambersof tbe rose, and its little glands, diseased so th it they draw lrom tte blood liquid, and exposure to the air changes It lnf-- corruption." This dfe liquid was to build nj tt system, bnt it Is extracted, ao4 tbe system i-S weakened by the loss. To cure, gain flesh anl strength by osiDg Dr. Pierce's Uolden MeyciU Discovery, which Total thus far1 Same time last week 48 S4 levied certiik-ates.

In the great decline bere this mornibg many unfortunate bull were slaughtered- Aftr thi. Total i 717,056 In addition to the above amounts in store there were afloat on vessels in the harbor the following amount oa grain at tne dates speci Clear. Clear. Clo'v. will biT tn the same Indictment rt oro.bro one rf oar judges of the Possible.

st eariy date as meet tor flnai as counsel wij week, and a motto wrJ the end of tl js within a few day. ease wirt follow HHTMH-STS. free a. rresb. Frusu.

Itosron, 3 won Bnfiftlo, S. 1211 MK Caiie Ms.y, fi.J- Cairo, Chariesuin. 0.. iSO JWii Clievenue W. T.

Hs-M NW Chuiaeo, fso.024HSW ttociunali. Cluvelaiio, HJtSE Crtrinne, S9.9S!is laveniort, lowa -to 0i.4!SW non-representative Conventions In different iisv nX H6X hb lX -38 88X Ilution being elosea taey were taxen to TO'Vg 'By: cart. tart. -oar, earc fied In 1870-71 the price rallied to 62J, Dut later fell off at to 601, Anally rallying to GU. The balanc the luarket was troucer and distant parts of tbe State, tbe lollowli 16 1872.

Reinhardt'9 barn. 1 10 Centril Eailwav 41 4 1371. 194,740 754, OKI Erie Railway 1 plan is ssbmltted as a basis for the future gov- fair. Fair. Kir.

Fair. ST. Hr. L. 61 YOAHfiscrlp -i Eealijitt siwii.

-nrrai j. Lake S. Mich h. MV L. f.

M. C16TB. STttab-'e fc'-rf9ta Bo; 1 Cht, R- west'n. W.prf- --C iilcairo A Alton. Union rHcine.t..

C. Buri Pits, a r. Ohio 170. ST. P'U 1S DTOf.

Toledo a TV'n SB WaVll, PTSl. Pacillc Mall H. ft St. Joe, pref I COL SK H. F.rte.fc Adams Am.

af. tr. fettles rresh. Wheat, bn Corn, bu Oati, bu Wheat, bu Corn, bu 167 9--'7 eoosequeDt upon the fall in the Erie stock fc -I subsided. There was an arivanra In tha nment of such colored Republicans, as may Total 18 Light my.

Qeutle- K-'loT- uemwt, sw.iw-.iiE INSCBANCB A committee of leading I this city. New England, and the 'ClOTr. B.i.i7:15i Dniotn. Mian eral list of to 1 per cent, and- the market was quite nrm, considering the surroundings. oM nrm at 1101 money firm at 7.

teentleRaCy. adopt and conform to the same. This plan is meant to insure a full and equitable represent, ation of all tbe colored Republicans in tbis State, and to cement together as one 130.17ii.ilNE (SO OASliXE 110.14 5 Fair. K'tt-asaoa, Slieb. Waivestou.

Tex. Cattle Tbe market rules rather quiet with a lighter trade than nana! tor Thursday. Prices are well sustained and about the same as yesterday, though tome say a little shaky. i The sales this morning were as lowows: 79 head III. steera.

av. 1138 at. I $6 25 Clo'v Total, Total, 919.408 Total grain at Receipts or Flo tra Ajn gkaut at Milwaukee. The following comparative statement shows the receipts of floor and grain at Milwaukee for the undermentioned years: 78X ex 73 41 Th't B9 SHiSSiSB Gentla fi'd Haven, Ulch AUCIIOlW sil ntr rtnm gaged in investigating the affairs of tbe ble Life Insurance Company, against wbiet charge were recently made In one of the Sun as Fair. iuuiauaixsis.

hid t'. l.ivht. ll i i Fair. tm Hi 7 45 'in 73 Tt KJentle. Jaeason.

lnNE Rev West. 04K8-NJB man with 'pne purpose, and that purpose the elevation of the race and the prosperity of tte State and country. It guarantees, a prac 1HI7 19 Fair. Brisk. iS 1,000 tons of coal were Tbe steamer p'fy 0 Toronto, which plies between Lewiston and is undergoing, repairs in readiness for tbe opening of nava-gation.

Sha will resume ber trips about the middle of April, A Four new steel -guys have been put in position on tbe New Suspension Bridge at the Falls this weekf These- steel guys are considered one third stronger' than the eommon ones in use. I I -ve would Remind our readers that the literary and musical entertainment of Public School So. 10 takes place at St. James Hall this evening. It! promises to be a very enjoyable affair.

1 r- 'T I' 1 iFaib day newspapers. iBOARDOf Snoxviile. Tenn. UiSi 16 Laxe Citv. fia ex Lumn.

ti 'W-; prtsent oeing wro- Fslr. iGeuUo. h.Kk. ii prices msrived LouisvtUe. Kv.

ISO Fair. tical and systematic npoa which tbe people of every section, however dittant or remote, may arise in the fullness of their Dr. S. Oakley Vanderpool, the new health ideal. Lv-actiburc.

officer of the port, met yesterday with the -Rve, bush. S79.47i l.V,0!9 231, 2) 168.579 159.771 lll. 69,697 Corn, bush. bush. 856,155 1297,514 431.843 805,600 82ti.64 888,562 873,77 251,756 477,526 170,069 539,709 17,290 "We understand strenuous exertions are being mads to obtain a stay of execution in the case of Charles to hanged at MayYiUe, Chautauqua to-mor-row, for the murder of Bichxixx.

The couokI tor Mariow app ted to Judge Burnt on Monday lat for a stay, in order to an application for a new trial. Owing, as la reported, to some irregularity in the papers, the Judge could not decide tbe motion, and in order to remedy tbe matter the counsel came to Buffalo to sea Judge Lamoxt. We learn that the bill of exceptions 'was settled by Jodge Lamoxt last evening, and tbe papers sent to Chantau. qua Co. to be signed by tbe otber Judges of tbe Court before which Marlow was tried, as required bylaw.

The other members of the Court were Judge E. F. Warkkn, ami Session Justice John W. Griswolu and T. W.

Wilson. The signatures of the above named gentlemen having been obtained, a motion lor a writ" of error and stay of proceedings was to be made before Judge Barker at Frcdonla to-day. Tbe time is exceedingly short, and unle tbe parties bave'a prompt hearing, with a favorable result, Marlow will be executed tomorrow. One of tbe counsel of the condemned man has gone to Albany for tbe purpose of obtain, lug a respite from Gov. Hoffman until the case can be beard.

II Judge Barker grants the writ, the pris oner's life will be prolonged at least six weeks, for the General Term does hot sit until May. After review of proceedings by that Court the judgment will be aUlrmed, and tbe prisoner re-sentenced, or the judgment -reversed and a new trial ordered. The application is made on tbe ground of an affidavit that one of tbe jurymen, Sebastian Lous, bad shown by expression a decided opinion as to the prisoner's guilt, before tbe atrial. Tbe Buffalo Police Bill. Plmir, HTiotit, bbU.

bush. 1871 417.71 8,427,450 170 ..431,5 1809 ..410 541 9,917,457 1867 f.81W,409 108 315.2IS 15 27U.1A4 8 14 417,41 2,444,927 19 13 2i 23 24 1.1 19 15 IS Canada 1150 i 5 11113 25 "stockers, 730 ii 900 4 25 7M3 i 4 00 Ohio. I loss I 5 60 ma els bulls, 168 I 5 25 i 1120 4 5 00 Wells, f. CO. K.

Fair. iCy.J Cleai'. Board of Health for tbe first time, 1S.S) 11S0 also aDts directly npon ese glanila, correcting iCloy iVt, a.i6 Grate $i6o "be The Pierre pont fire, and (ears that tl Urtalned. vJJY la en. Uentle.

A. v.w.v. Clo'y, Clear. llialo. MISCELLANEOUS Clo'y.

rair. i fcleai'. 11S( VfH 1H ll'i'f 111 llr4 11S' them, and apply Dr. Sugg's Catarrh Itemed? with Dr. Pierce's Nasal Douche, the only method of reaching the upper cavities where the discharge 'accumulates and comes from.

The instrument and tiro medicines sold for tS by all drnggiats. mh23.26.23AC For dyspepsia, Indies' ion, depression THE Extorts or Provisioss from the rnlt-ed States to an foreign countries for the years ending and for the 11 months ending Nov. Adead dog is lying in the rear of Ttrst-r The sales yesterday afternoon and this morning indicate considerable) activity in trade. "Prices, however, are somewhat dull and a shade easier than last week. Many buyers are East.

Sales vesterdnv afternoon ware: newly-acquired citizenship, and direct and control their political rights and' interests, in district conventions and State Council of their own creation, with representative men of their, tree and untrammelled election. Tbe following are the rules adopted by the organization lst-This organization shall be known as the Colored Republican Council of the State of Sew York, shall consist of representatives from the several senatorial districts, these to tQentleClo'y. U. S. 6s of 'Cli 119 I b.

new a cent a s-ays sa 112 V. 8. ft-20's 'W D2X ti. as-ao-s '6 -H2X u. a.

6-a's MK, new in1 V. a. 6-iiO's 'r new 112V I', St 0-fc's '68 11SV tr. s.lo-io's loeK New, U. a.

Ca. eairpeacy CHINESE RIOTERS CONVICTED OF Clenr. Gentla 80,1871: Fair. MANSLAUGHTER. it '1 San Francisco, March 2 The Los Angelas anti-Chlneee rinters have Fair.

Clear. lb 12. 1871. 11 mot. enaing Dec.

31. THB SENATE Anns COBIiriiTti, A Washingtok, March 57." The Senate Arms Committee met to-day at half-past ten o'clock, senator Sumner an. Llpht. Li-ht. Clear; Marquette, sirt.

I4SK Memphis. Bo.mUsi tttlwauaee. Wis. W.JHiijJW Mobutu Ala iSO.lsiM Montreal l30.i.iSK Mt-Wash'n. N.

H. 8 Nasnville. Tenii. i Untti Sf. Ixindon, Conn jS0.08i:S V.

Orleans, 1... 80.13ifl:SE New York. N. jSo.KilN Korfola. IS0.0I4N Omaha, Neb i2S.8i! Oiwepo.

If. PhllauelDhiA, Pa 31) 1VMO Pittsburgh, Pa S0.11i36i Portland, Me i30 PorUaml, Or Rochester. N. Ban Diena, Cal I S. Francisco, Cal.

Santa ire, K. a.74iai(f Savannah, 30.2:131 NE St. Louis. Mn IS0.07'43 SE st. Paul, iSO.OMjin Toledo, O.

(So ioi33iNB Washington, D. 30.17 Uu Wilmington, N. 80 33i4iiN U3)f 187a I 12 mos. "ending' DecSl. 29,533,216 spiriU and Kuieral debility, the Ferro-Phos-pborated Elixir of CgiUaya Baric (Calisaja Fair.

all been convicted of manslaughter. I GOLD. Ai 55 head Ind. sheep, i 96 ta "Ohio, "--123 i9 j2a 81 5 15-2 -t 117 4 Illinois. "1 S3 570 Western 72 IClear.

KJeuue 43,914,9117 41,115,140 1869. I 12 mot. ending jjet 31. 24421,661 .1.. 6279,558 Sv 18 61 OO I 51 i 50 00 I 00 I 6 50 llao i 10.30 Pork, Bss Beef, Hacon, lbs.

Hark an1 Ironl is the bgst tonic, made by Hazard a York, and sold by 8.30 10.00 U.fW li.00 12.30 2.50 3.00 be elected annuallv in district conventions, on pea red and protested against the summon served upon him, contending teat It waa con. trary to parilamentarT precedent. It waa Oentle. Clo'y." or before the Urst- of May. Kach senatorial SOS's Store in Ilk Street-and another on the south east corner of Ganesea and Pearl streets awaiting the curtesy of the acavanger.

jj We were Informed by a yisitant this morning, who entered onr sanctum, with boots and pants in a fearfully bedraggled state; that the streets are in an offaCeoudUion. i I The trial of.Mrs. McCarthy, the Uticti murderess, has ibeen adjourned until Friday next. An effort! will be made to put it over unr til the next term of thfe Court. Boatmen fear that considerable damage A.

ST. A.M. A.M. A.M. li.

P. H. P. K. P.

M. P.M. uoy. uoa uox no uox 14 -7 BOGUS LOTTERT, A lottery adverUsed si the East for (be Lard, lbs drnggista. 1 deli-mathaceowly 21,645,806 40,191,997 123 258, 71 2,079,101 8 019,048 59.113,090 6,693.501 26,814,237 50,615,913 istnet sbaii he entitled to tbrue delegates.

Butter. bid. Gentle. The sales this morning were as follows: Clo'y. 1 A Cough, cold or cot-s throat requires imme Cheese, Its.

PSEB8 RXPOB.T. tr. customary merely to request the attendauue oi equators, iia did not think now no more than be did yesterday that the Committee waa benefit of the Charity Hospital of San Fran- 2d The first meeting of the state Annual uncoil shall be hold on tbe second Wednes- 7 70 8 00 Tallow, 3215,355. 15S "lnolana, 81 ia Canaila 8 kntla Cleft Excnanea. loner, 109X: short, 110X.

Fair. ay in May, 1872, in. tbe city of Troy, and Llsht. Hoos Tbe market rules, quiet and weak, al clsoo Is a fraud. There is no such Institution or lottery here.

1 i Fair. Gentle. eots pet eut to investigate the ease as a majority 01 Its members had declared thamiwlv. on. ball organize at noon by the election of its- diate attention, neglBBt oftentimes resalts In some incurable lung disease.

Brown's Bronchial Troches -will almost "Invariably give relief. 1 i mli2S.i8.S01C Stocks doll and steady. Gold Arm at 110X0 VX. Oovernmenta dull and steady, State bonds dull and steady. Money firm at 7- Gentle.

iCIear. I permanent olllcera, those to consist of a President, four Vice-Presidents, three Secretaries i I-AW ASB MEBIOAL-BABlIATEt. poxi to a tiling to be eiamined Into. Mr. Sumner took tbe oath with a protest that tbe Chairman was disauaiined tn art in Lljrnt.

IClear. Barom. corrected for temperature and elevation and a Treasurer. These officers, so elected, sball constitute an Executive Board to hold Chilblaiks, Chili. crilblaihs.

i DaTBOlT. March 28. Degrees were conferred on 142 law and 80 that capacity. Ik howew.r. f.t.ri.i rrofeasor Anderson's Demador, if applied MARINE INTELLIGENCE.

though the run has been 29 cars less than last week, and only three cars on tffe market. supply Is gonerally light bogs. i The safes-thLs morning were as fallows: I 124 Head hogs, averaging $4 75 ISO i 4 85 14 i f. 4 60 MARKETS BY TELEGKAPH.

llice with executive powers for one year, or has been done to canal boats In consequence of the extreme thickness of the which may have opened their teamsi i 'j protest. Ha knew notbinr ol this E. P. IIOLLISTEU Wat. Tma I A 1 1 medical graduates of the State University yes three nights and throe uioi ninxs.

Is warranted to cure chUblains, evjn If they are very bad. until the 33d or 24th of December. A friwid ntil their successors are appointed. 8d. All incorporated towns and wards of Offiob ot'thi Caur Siqnai.

offickb, terday, ii i A nice red icow was left out last night by in tbe senate, not tkillunz, first mentioned lliei (acts to him. Afterwards sasrSehurx, wbu had seen aoma ni tk. miuh It is soothing and to use Sold by druggists. Price, is and So nts per bottle. cities shall be entitled to three delegates each, to represent it in the senatorial district convention.

Such delegates are to be elected by the colored Republican voters of tbeir re- i jiaiOll A. 11. SY1TOP81S IFOR THB PAST TWBXTf-POXTB HOUB8. Clear weather has prevailed vorv irenerallv THIS ATTKRNOOlfB LX8PATCB her owner, and being found by the policemen was driven to Baku's stable- Who has lost WHOLESAXE AND RETAIL a i auiriresiion saw I. ieetr.tmnsso rr Ur.w-r tr wt a th 'r i.

liiffvest aRsartment of DEALER IX. oective towns and wards in mass meeting. a lacteal bovine font? J' i- The poiice fouud a horae and wagon'stray- Cbambrun, from whoui he received copies Tif letters of Itemingtoh to LeCleaae and of 1st. tors from the Secretary of War to tbe Secretary-01 11a aaVA 1 r. i -t i i at stations east of the Rocky Mounlalas.

Au area of low barometer has moved eajtwar.l over Iowa, with diminishing pressure thenco to styles and the sbeapwsi I'' the city to be found at the Hat Estabrtwbf-lent of i FOREIGN i.i.V.-: i raom paisy on or before the fifteenth day of April. 4th. District convention are to convene on or before the Brst day ol May. Their duty sball be to elect delegates to the State Council, ing last night on Louisiana near the I UARKY SMITH, 327 Mala St. the stcpa taken by himself Drevioua ta tha in.

foreign Stock ItlarkBC "I Lusdon, UareUSS-tliSOA M. Consols opened at 93.. for money; and ai lor account, Bonds Flve-twetitJet ot 1SS-J at 92 of 1865, 83X; oil 1U67, at Tan-forties at mi. i I i PAEI MarohiS. Rentes opened at 15 franca, 85 centimes.

tne upper Lakes, I-eke Erie to the Ohio Valley troducuou of his resolution. In response to Uie Anthracite Bituminous ALL the latut Spring ttyv-a of Hats and Caps and the Western Gulf States. Increased olqutl-lness Jg now ronorted rrom the. Ohio Valle Madrid, March 28. There were no disturbances' in this ctty cr Hid to transact other business, i neseeonven-ions shall be sroverned by tbe same rules and can bo found at the very lowest price at reculations as the State Council, and their officers shalL in like manner, constitute a Board uuouuu no reueiveu numerous Conrt-denUal communicatluns en the subiect, hut declined to give the names of the He had banded them over to Schurx.

Mr. Sumner declared that he considered it his duty to move" In Granada since those reported yesterday. The condition the country It tranquil'. 1 mh27tap8 i C. F.

OBU EK'S, B06 aiain Silk invls particular attention E. It. It. crossing and took tbem to the Southern Hotel barn. i I The Robins are here mire enough, so spring must be come; but so disguised as to fy hardly recognised and scarcely to be Very many commendatory remarks, quite flattering to the Street' Commissioner, were heard on the streets yesterday.

I i. 41 of Managers for that district until their successors are appointed. A Iv to our new stylos of iress Hats fo' Spring northward and westward, with thruatcn'u-; weather from Lako Michigan. I BROBABILITIKH: The low barometer over Iowa will probably move northeastwardly over Lower Michigan into Canada. weather-will prevail over the New F.ngland and Miedle States todav, with winds gradually veering to easterly and son- wear, which, for stylo, finish and "-lightness, 0th.

Credential signed Dy president anu Secretary, resident of town, ward or district. ARRIVED OCT. SOCTHAMPTOW, March 2B. Tba steamship Hermann, from New Tert, cannot be surpassed. snail entitle the bearer to a seat in me vjon ven-tion or Council, as the case may be, provided, however, that in no case shall a non-resident bos arrived.

Extra religious services are held; each eve I jj- IlAKKlf S1TU, K7 Main St. ZoBoaTHO Tor Bbeua alSsm. I Tlowkrs. Wreaths, jJrQwns, Crosses ana COVB.T Or APPEALS CALENDAR, 1 Albany, March 27. The following Is the Court of Anneal.

w.i. ning during the present week, in -the North No 2 East Swan represent a ward, town or district, in Convention or Council, to the exclusion of an actual resident, be the latter clothed with credentials or not. FK0JtEXICOJ Presbyterian Church, i therly, and threatening weather along the Lower Lake Region; Cloudy and threatening wea-i tlier will prevail north and northwest of the Ohio Pleasant with light other new floral Deslsfwitb choice Came- Joseph Blenner has been commission ender for March ISt'u, I872U IS7, lib, 2oI, 206. th. The Convention and Council snail pos ias.

furnished at low Parties desiring ISISCEI.EANEOI7S ITEMS, 4, lta, 14 anil lil. ed Chiefof Police of the City of Erie: Pa, BUFFALO. winds, will continue over the Southern States sess the power to elect officers from their own body or from citizens at large, as they may 1 ii Matamoras, Mexico. March 27. As.

soon as the crossings are cleared, let the Flowers for Easter hud --fetter contract for thorn now, at Grlnton's 197 Chippewa 8U, one block from Jj ilaware St. J0tap2 OHIO REPUBLICAN CiiNvEirrmx. judge expedient and proper. during the day. Klslng barometer, with winds veering to northwesterly, are probable for the Northwest during this afternqan aiu tonight.

An express from Camargo brings telegraphic WAS IS receivers be opened. COLUMOCS, March 27. news from Saltille to the 25th Inst. General xuv Aciiuuiicaa onvantmn ti We learn by private telegram from Albany that the Buffalo Police Bill Was under consideration by the Assembly, in committee of the whole, tblt morning, and that lion. Georgh Baltz addressed, tbe Committee as 1 "Mr.

Chairman: In the year 1800 the Legislature passed Ru act to organize a Police Department or the City of Buffalo. The fctovernor appointed three Commissioners with a salary of $2,000 each. Tho Commissioners organized a force which gave general satisfaction. In the year 1S6D, the Democrats In Buffalo, being hungry for places, got the idea of making charges against such Commissioners; charges that did not amount to anything; the Commissioners were put upon trial, and having a Democratic Governor, they succeeded In removing them, and appointed three Democrats in tbetr places, which gave the Democrats control of tbe entire force. Being ashamed of the trick by wutih they jrot possession of the force, tbey passed an act l.wt wloter giving power to the presiding Judge of tbe Superior Court of Buffalo to appoint Commissioners.

Tbls bill was very obnoxious to the citizens of Buffalo. They objected to the making of a police force by their Court Judge. The Judge made such appointments after long- deliberation, believing, as he did, that such power of appointment should not be lodged in the Judiciary and these Commissioners are still In office. Tbis bill, Bir, with other obnoxious legislation of last win ter was the cause of the overwhelming victory obtained at the late Charter-election, at which we 'swept the Democrats Irom power by a majority from 2,600 to 4,000. The people of Buffalo demand a change in this iastard bill commission; tbey wish to take the power In their own hands; tbey believe that the Mayer should stand at the head of the Police force.

The under considera itn. in toe event oi town, waru oruisinci, failing to appoint delegates, on or before the time specified, citizens resident sball -be enti Ttichill's Instakv ain Cttbr Is a sure o'clock. A very larte number of delpvaLna i uangaj-ous winds are not anticipated lor the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts today. Frleuda'IiUtute at Haul HamUargli, Bocha with 8,000 government troops was advancing on Saltille, having relieved San LuIb Potosl from siege. i I were present.

The Convention was called to oroof Mr. James H. Itobinson, Chairman of 1 C'lilcago Lake Freights. 1 March 27. Were quiet, steady and Quoted as follows: Corn by sail to Buffalo at do to Oswego at 18Klc: and do to Kingston at 19Kc .) 1 Vessel Transfers.

'-jj -1 The following Is an official list of the vessel transfers in tbe District of Chicago for the winter of 1 i.j cow Boeker, from 3 Hearnes, et al, to Samuel Marshal, all. 1 Schr Batos, from Robert Listen to Walsh, ail. i (I i 'i Srlur Butts, from Thomas Scott toIILBi-roch. one-half. Scow Coaster, from Kils Jacob-son, one-half.

I Scow Wro Crosthwalte, from Chas Bradley to A McGraw, all. 1 Scow City of Chicago, from Higgle to I. Higgle, one-fourth. Scow City of Chicago, from Wm Jones to. I.

Higgle, one-fourth. I 'fug Eea Drake, from Jesse Cox to BjB Brewer, one-thh-d. Stmr Dispatch, fron Simeon Cobb, to 5 Lewis, es-al. all. 1 Schr Josephine Dresden, from 8 Wsnseif to Swensori, siie-fourtli.

Schr Kuima, from Downey to Boon, et nil. 'I i Schr Emma, from A Thompson to. Frank Lang, one-half. 1 tohr Gameco*ck, from McCormick to Dunn, 'i' Bri Gladiator, from Birch to Blerz, one-, I I 'T -t schr Glad Tidings, from WhJtney'Jr to Martin, all- i 1 i1. Selir Jas Garrett, from Jas Garrett tq CPer4 rett.

one-tliinl. I Schr Jas Garrett, from Jas Garrett to Jno El-j sey, one-third. Schr tiilmore, from Geo Williams to A Latham! et al, a'l. I I sl Schr Hoiner, from Burgess et ax to Bali-stead, all; Schr Hattie Howard, from Jno Howard et al, to GiuTctt, all. Canal boat Harriet, from Paul Pauliot to EnoS Field, all.ii Schr Iixmsldes, from Burton to Tayh 1 Snhr Wllllie Keller, from Kaesberg et al, to Otto Scbneuman, one-half.

t' Schr Layinda, from Lucy Buckley JrtoW Porter all. Schr Lewis McDonald, from Jasper Hanson to Hans Score, one-fourth. schr Lewis McDonald, from Hans Score to James Goodman et al, one fourth. Barge McNalr, from Ed Nothnaugle to John ForBvthe, et al, all. i Schr North Star, from Hy Glaser to Wm PhlllipH, etal, one half.

Schr Wm Pamlico, from Winslow to John Prindiville, one-half. Patrel, from Long, etal, to al, all. I 1 Schr Radical, from Thos Walsh to JoelV Tavlor, all. Cunal boat Rock Run, from Martha Washburn Obadia Hicks, all. i i Schr Lucy an Valkenburghi from Hoi -len to Thos Parker, seven-eiarhts.

Editor BuJjfalO Commercial Advertiser: J.I 8 per Cent. Gold. The revolutlohlstg are eoncentratins; all fhclr tled to representation, in me same ratio as though they were properly accredited, subject, however, to the approval of the Convention or Council, as the case may be. i 8th. This organization sball be auxilary to, and co-operate with, tbe Republican State and Accepting an invitation sent to; a few "on.

Alphanso Hart, as temporary Chairman. cure for rheumatism, n.ea aluia, pains in the limbs, sprains, bruises, Ijes lache, canker, nursing Bore month, putrid lnilammatory sore throat, plenrijy, lameness; 4 the back, kidney ot gravel, crrP. colic, dysentery, inflammation. TwiCHjt 17 Booth Pi-vision Street Buftalo, K. Y.

For sale by all druggists.) TSI3 MORNING? 3 DSSPA.TGHS3. IliOlI JIEXICO. INTEREST PAYABLE QUARTERLY. Free of Government Tax. ivailable forces lu the States of uevo tton aud Cohahulla, wblch they hope to hold against Kochy.

.1 friends In this city, to be present at ian entertainment to be given by the students of tbe East Hamburgh Friends' Institute as mem local general committee. CHARTER ELECCION. Sabatoqa Spbinos, Marcli ST. A triangular political coute.t occurc.i 4- THE REVOLCIIONBATTLE OF All' communications In relation to this plan bers of the Xlagara Lyceum, on Saturday They claim that Oen. Guerra is on the bur- veaterdav in tha I i 1.

1 i. 9 1-2 per. Cent, upon tbe Investment. 60 BniTLiSES's Coh-ab and Ccrps lann- angs road with 2,000 men awaiting Gen. Mar evening lasts a i friend and myself rode out should be addressed to JoitNSON.

State Senate, Albany. dried In bee Troy style atr7 Main Street. XlClTECss. New York, March 28. A special from Matamoras reports a revolu voived personal and local questions that ob lite rated the party lines in, a great measure.

AmoQu the consequences was the auceeaa of (. I II ques with 4,000 men from Sinaloa and Dur-augo, to join him. I Ah BENEDICT KINfci.Sl.EY. We have already stated that Messrs. Charles It was a cold, Bnow-squally ride, but once the Democrats in electing- Foreign Produce markets.

Liverpool, March 28-M1 KM) A M. The cotton market opened firm. Middling Uplands at llSll Vd; and Middling Orleaasat. i FkahkfobT. Jlaroh 28.

Bonds Fiye-twentles opened for tae issue of 1882. i I Special Despatch to the Board ef Trade. At 11:00 A. M. Flour at 26s 0d26s 6d; Wheat at 10s 9dlls Id for Bed Western Spring; -lis 81 for BedWnter; and lis 9dllslld for white; Corn 28saW-Ls0d; Barley Ss 8d; bats 2s l-euSia Fork 50s pd.

Lard 41s U. 8. Bonds 2. Al lr25 M. Flour at 28s 0dai26s6d; Wheat at 10s '9d3Us Id for red Western spring; lis 8.1 forrewl Winter; and lis for white; Corn2s Barley 3b Sd; "Oats 2s Peas 39s Pork 60s 0d Laid 41s U.

S. Bonds 1 1 t. rfw York IQarktC, Kkv York, March2B 1.20 P. M. Cottoh Market quoted at 23 cts for Middling Uplands.

Flodr The market is quiet ana hnchahged. Beceiots 6.UUO bbls. Sales 6 too bbls at $6 10 6 40 for bb pe.rS1.1e State and Western; $6 65 7 40 for common to good lxtraState; $6 60iiii7 55 for gooa to choice xtra State and Western; aud $6 8537 85 for round-hooped Ohio. Bye Horn-steady. Salesaio bbls 00a5 20.

1 Wheat Tbe market Is dull ajid nominal. Ueeeipts 2 000 bushels. Held at $1 49jl 53 ir No 2 Spi-ing iu store; 1 Ait 57 for Ko 1 do in store; $1 6731 70 for Winter red West-tern; $1 711 74 for amber Western; $1 731 SO for white do. i Bye Market quiet. Receipts i none.

Bales none. He'd at 886o for Western.1 1 co*ke? The market a shade nrnier Receipts 22 000 bn. Sales 41,000 bu at for Western mixed afloat. Baiiley Market quiet. Receipts 23,000 bu.

Sales none. i 1 Oats The market is dulll Receipts 15,000 Sales 17,000 hTi at 63iificfor Western in store and afloat: 65H58 fos white Ohio. Provisions Pork Tbe maraet Is lower. Sales 2J0 bbis at $12 90 for new mess; (u for old. Cut meats quiet.

Beel steady. Lard steady. Sales 200 tierces at 8ic tor steam SWc for kettle-rendered, i Butter Quoted at ll39c forew State and Western. Cheese Quoted 1320c for common to prime 1 1 i h- i Whiskey Quoted at 88X0. hooar Eggs Sales Slate at 23S240.

1 Petkolfum sales crude at 12X12Xc: ra-flned at 22M2a.c. i i Coal Quoujd at $4 005 00. I I Leathbr In, fair request and the market is firm. Buenos Ayres and Bio Grande light to heavy weights, at 2829fic; California light to Gen. Martinex 1( near Matchnala with maiorlty, and their 1'rtetiUlpnt hv II tta vr tionary version of the bsttle of Zscatecas, as given by General Trevlno.

-His- aooount dif- -New btyiSsi Silk Hats are now i CollSTOCK 918 and 250 Main St. men operating with Gen. Narvaer and Den. Spbino, 187J. ready at folOtf li! E.

Newton and A. S. Buokenrorough have been appointed delegates from this city to the State Council at Troy, on the second Wednesday of May next. Charges of eorruplion are freely lndultced In on both aides, per Cent, more Income than upon Government Bonds, and an nndoubt I' ij Security. FIRST MORTGAGE SlfiK- I LG FlD ROADS, (COVPOK A BEOISTEBED,) ISSUE illMITED TO $16,300 PER MILE I i.

fers from that of the Jaaristas li thlsi. that, whereas Rocha claims to have captured tho whole rebel army under Trevlno, with the Naranjo with 1,400 more men is menacing San Luis Potosl. Gen. Trevi not man are with Men. Guerra, while he Is personally between- Monterey, and Camargo to pjeet Oulrago for there, and seated in their spacious and comfortable Institute IJall, We soon began to epjpy the social meeting- and.

the entertainment offered; and to feel well paid for the exposure of our journey. The whole thing was well gotten up and every part well carried out, reflecting great credit not only on the projectors and but especially! on those who acted their respective parts in the singing.dia- "CnaviOT 8aiRT" in-handsome patterns can be had at to7 to aiu Ho eot. I i I BKMHjD'CT KISaSI.EY. SAVINGS BANKS. Albany, K.Y.,Maroh 87.

Tbe Committee on Banka win exception of, a handful ol cavalry, who ran for dear lite, and to have given a death-blow Tho New Oil Railway. Everything In Connection with this impor i I.j.. i to the whole revolution, Trevinb, on the The revolutionists still hold Saltille and Iu Uenom illations of (IOOO, $500 tant enterprise appears to bo progressing Just Th Church Hymnal, in eveiy style, by I ,1 ULBKICH, ri Sfi Main Street. Y. M.

A Building. Montery in the Interior, and Camaree. Mler. other hand, now lays claim to the victory on the ground that he kept the field, while Bocha avorably, and the friends the new road Ing on Tuesday, the 2dot April, at P. at which aaseuibty the bill nunilier WMi.

an act to cousulidate several acts relating to Savings bank into one act, and to provide vfor a uniform administration of their a flairs, will be made the special order. Any and all parties interested in the same may be heard on that occasion, i anA 9100, of thi I Guerrero, Nuevo Laredo and Piedras Negras On the frontier, at whieh nlacea thav L.v retired anij remained skulking behind his for continue to furnish evidence that they are decidedly in earnest. We learn by a private logues, declamations, and tableaux, and none the less in the dramatical performance. The play was Broid on he Waters," aud it was tifications. He (Trevlno) was anxious to con tion provides for that; It also provides that the Mayor and Common Council shall select about 12,000 men, told.

Should they be able to eonoentrate, as thejare endeavoring telegram from Titusville, this morning, that the subscriptions to the portion of the road well performed by amateur actors. (All tne two other commissioners, thereby taking out to do, they will yet make a stand, but. their 'between that city and State Line now amount of the bands of the Judicial officer his ap attendants In the crowded hall were highly entertained, II one, may judge lrom the general hearty expression and frequent cheering speedy overthrow is predicted by the friends tinue the fight, but Rocha had no heart for it. A portion of Kochs's troops have gone tj pose biin." jj Larosils' on the road between San Luis Poto-sl and Mexico, capturing' the correspondence and interruping communication, He recently to three hundred and sixteen thousand dollars. LEGISLATIVE PKOCEEOIXGN.

I-," Sbnatk. Albajiy, March 27. Reports. Adverse oa bill to rental tha ant ta CouaHB and COLDS.iH5ckey's Comp. Congh Syrnp is warranted- to cure the most severe cases of coughs, coldj, hoarseness, and all diseases of the rung.

Fot sjiSe. at Hickey's Drug Stores, 172 Seneca Street, nar Michigan Street; 179 Exchange Street, conier Michigan Street, under Contiaental Hotel. 1 mh7tap6 i .1 '-y i 1 trf Dress-MASIINS. This lepartment ol our store Is now in operation Jr the spring season. LadleV an 1 If Uses' Dress iitteJ and made in the best manner, at reasonable prices.

of the government, i i pointing power, and letting the people govern themselves. Sir, this is a reform Legislature. We come here with the Intention of le applause that was Indulged in throughout the This, the partial from whom the despatch comes affirm, insures a direct road to State whole evening, and many were the wishes ex Schr Lucy Van Yalkenberg, from Gordon "Wilson to Thos Parker, oneeighth lze towns to bund or subsciiba tor 1 Irniul FROM NEW YORK. gislating for tbe rights and best interests of defeated a gavernment cavalry force sent Line; and Titusville promises to meet BuDalo there on the first of October next. Ten per the people.

The object of this bill Is to give 1 pressed that the like might be done again, and the'Institute continue to prosper in its course of usefulness. n- it I'l; lock. Adverse to repeal the Erie Classification act as already disponed cent of the amount subscribed has been called to tbe people ol Buffalo the rights belonging ILLNESS Or PROF. HORSE, 5 LINT KEST. for.

and work is to be immediately commenced. Au.sian uu uie aerk city ueDressed against him. Cortina Is at Nuevo Leon, and threatens a convoy of. goods moving to Cam-afgo. Monterey, with six hundred of Quiro-ga's cavalry, is pursuing him.

iHe is robbing haciendas, stores and ranches, The library, for which purpose enter Tug a wawon, ii-om Juartua Johnson et al, to Seth Kimball, all. i Schr Westchester, from Thos O'Oonnell et al, to Robrt Linton, alL A I Schr Wade, troui A Soutli writer, Allen Sopor et al, slL i Schr Welland, from Andrews, Jr, et til, to Thomas Scott, all. i I Schr lllard, from Harrison ct al to! Lawrence, all. I i -Naw York, Marah-8. 1 Prof.

Samuel F. B. Morse is lying datk-er- Tji answer to an Interrogatory tn too ues- to them, and which they were deprived of last -winter. It was -one of tbe Issues in tbe last campaign. And I hope, sir, that this bill will ttailroau.

Adverse to Ineernnrata tha it- tainment was must havo received a goodly share of substantial oatch whlchlits before Bays jjui. derground Railroad Company. be stated that Gov. Hoffman I Ksjnni8tt la no receiving How Stylus Fancy TlosVf Kew Styles la Fancy Scy fs. Hev Styles in Fanuy -ITiei, iiBwSpyiia lni'aut Scarfs, Income a law." By the way, this East Hamburgh Friends' -t- a a tedKailroad.

ously ill bis residence In 22d Street, sad his friends ahd physicians fear tbe worst-' Ills friends in the upper portion of the State, were summoned to his bedside this morning! Bis Wool The market is quiet and Un- has signed the bill authorising the city of Schr Whirlwind, from Portch to titles Institute has become a real nttitutlon. It is Adverse on the DrotMsition r.r tk rnmnii. KfCLED btthi Cars. Yesterday morning WASSHNOTOI. Portcu, one-quarter.

Buffalo to subscribe one million of uoUari 10 waslied, 70c; puued, 7Ksil24c. I Chicago JTiarRct. alive and well and up to the requirements ol Iwo boy jumped on one of tbe cars attached tee oi Mnety to appoint Couunissianera to build a railroad. NewStylesm Uncy i.asimeres, i I'l New Stylos i Vaney Coatings, the capital stock of the Buffalo Jamestown disease Is said to be paralysis of the brain. the times.

i7nder the able direction of its well to oil train Sa. 40, to ride to Farnham on the 1 Chioaso. March 27. Adverse to incornorata tha Railroad that a large majority cf our citizens New Sty ns In Fancy Suitings, gentlemanly md rental principal, Lake Shore A Michigan Southern Boad near POJiESTIC BJAKtiETf. nnffalo Market, i Bailioad Company, a i appreciate the Importance of the proposed At 273 Us Street.

Mr. E. H. Cook, and his assistants, sogejner which place was their home. The oldest boy their votes on tne BEHOOHATIO CAUCUS.

A Herald-s Washington despatch states aii tueae reports were agreed to. -Hllla lalroSms. ClWHjEiiClAL ADVKRTISBR OFrTCIS, I Logansport, Crawfordsville Southwestern Railway I of Indiana. Price, 95 and Accrued Interest. 'I 1 This Road, 3 miles In length, 70 of which are in actual operatlou, runs southwesterly from Loganiporl to RoelLTille, pasalns; centraJlr Uu-oogh le of the wealthiest audi most pro-doctive Counties of Iudiaua, hitherto withont railway facilities, and penetrating for twelve miles at Its southern terminus the celebrated Block Coal Field of l'arke County, it affords the shortest existing; outlet to Chicago, Toledo, Detroit, Fort Wayne, Logans-port, and all other intermediate points for the IttlQck Coal (no in such large demand), Lumber, -Cattle, drain, and other surplus products 'of this rich Agricultural and mineral section of the i I i For the present we offer a limited numbef of these First Mortgage Bonds at 95 and accrued interest in currency, or will exchange them fbr li.

K. Bonds or other marketable securities at the rates of the day. Jkt the above price these Bonds yield to the investor OO per cent more income than the Bonds of the United States, and we unhesitatingly recommend them to all classes af Investors as offering the most ample security Hnd liberal returns. Further and full particulars, with Pamphlets and maps, fnrnished by us on personal or written application. JONES SCHUYLER, li PISE 5f rilKpL4I.

AGEKTB Or THB COMPANY, "i i 1 unuertaxing, anu w.u, uy judicious and kindly care of the Su-lath of April next, emphatically endorse the Wlttt Wakkr who with his t. hnnrfs. Ipenntendant, IdAAO who, WHO: his proposed issue of the city's bonds. succeeded in getting off safely as the train approached the station, but bis younger brother, that August Belmont, Chairman of the Ra liv. tscu piuum ratal.

va ia a. tatea of intestates. THE BEBEL COTTON LOAN. "Washington, March 28. Much surprise is expressed here at the statement made by the London 'Timet in reply to the letter of ex-Consul-General, Freeman LL Horse, to the effect that the presentation of the Rebel cotton loan before the Mixed Commission here was without the sanction of the British government.

Tho, answer to this statement is that it is not true. In view of the un amiable and efficient wife as matronj is ever la tional Democratic Committee, called a caucus io provide for the anTironilntlon nf nmU, From yesterday's Titusville Meraia, wnicn a lad of ten. years or age, nameu jldwaku Owcxft. fell between the cars, and was found actiye attendance, taking1 eare not only of of tbe Democratic delegates In Congress at paper has done and continues to do yeoman anting from tbe sale of Hempstead Plains. -Jtequiriog Justices of tbe buperlor Court flx general terms for two veara on nrlwinr.

after the train passed, his body cut in two, bis 1872. New stjjes in Si te and Felt Hats for Men and Boy Neckties, Collars, Trunks, Shirts, AO. Hi i iJ, tfOHGENSTKBtf, p-town Hat Store, mblCtaplf i S23 Main Street Haya rona iahpets iiLE awed at tbe Boston Steam: "tyorks, 81 and Washington Stewi. in yonr orders early, beore the rush eommeOiiea. Order by mall promptly attended to.

i feiltf service In favor of the new Oil Railway," moral development and culture of the pupils, but also that the household department is com Floch Quiet. Sivles made of BOO ban-eta as follows. Quoted; Western Spring at 767 25; baiters' at 7 2o)T CO; amber $7 GO; white $7 toar60; No 1 city ground spring fl 6 60; No! 1 do 7 007 50; amber 7 257 75, whits 3 75; haxaD, $9 7510 OOi I JLxm Fioos felling at cy6)0 forjoity grouut.j Buckwheat Flodb Quoted at $3 so4 00 Cork Ibeaj, Qnovaa at i il 25 roi coarse, tue 1st of December next. we take tbe folloviuS right arm broken, and his left arm fractured. Doctors Walsh and Bbigos made an exam plete in all Its parts: and conducive to health ACKiers last evening that about forty pf the leading members of both houses assembled, when Belmont stated the object of the meeting to be to discuss the coming Presidential can.

vans, and askedjor an expressipn of opinio sj as to the proper course of the party In the present tlqdr Ltyeless. I Grain Wlieat dull for No 2 Spring at 119fi. Com nominally unchanged. Oats quiet for No 2, and a shade stronger at Rye unsettled anil irregular for No 2 at Gee. Barley firm and stronger at 5oc bid lor No 2 fcpring.

Pao visions Mess pork lower at $11 SO 11 32. Lard rules weak at $8 20.. Bulk meats neglected at 3o bid for shouldurs and 4c asked ciear rib sides 5JBo; and clear sides OJife ex 0. llama in pickle steady at 8tc 1 i Whisky Dull and lower al 830. 1 Receipts kob the past 21 hours 6,000 bbis flour; 2,000 bush wheat: bush corn; 17,000 hush oats; 4,000 bush barley; J.O'JO bush rye; and 0,000 hoKS.

i 1 1 1 1 SHIPMENTS Ton THE PAST St HOUBS 4,000 bills flour; 4,000 bush wheat; 21,000 bush com; 8,000 bush oats; 6,000 busn barley; 1,000 bush hogs, and cattle, BpeaSH Despatch to the Board of Trade. CHICAGO. March 23 9:30 A. M. -Floue Dull ant1 I 'Whbat upeus steady at 24X seller May; $1 19 bid April, V- i.

i I 110 AM. FtotJB Oniet and nominMllv nnnlmno-ed. Titusville has for several years been paying to increase the pay of Commissioners of Highways. ination. nd Coroner MORROW held an in- and comfort; It is catcuiateu io swii auvaucu doubted character oi.

the note, havf cro sing for provisions a price which might have sup 9 a once UllKUb bum- .1 wrtOMt, resulting in verdict of accidental Io provide for the erection of locV-UDstu various towns ot the Stata. ported in luxury three times her present pop-1 even beyontt 1U present sraua the ocean, in reply to the note of 'Secretary death. We refer to this case again to-day, and illation, for tne simple reason mat we nave anj usefulness. UFish, the real'faetg In, relation "to tho pre The debate on the New Tortt charter open- had no competing lines ot railroad. The freight emergency.

Toe question of holding a Na Parents In this city and elsewhere have Ti JZZl give more full particulars, for the-purpose pf 1 2Jl35 for fine, ps 100 lbs. 1 tional Convention was freely discussed my charges for ordinary mercnanouse are touay lrom 3 to 13 cents per hundred from Corry, children to send to a first-class boarding scbool Knlscooll livniiial. will Music, edited by the calling tbe. attention parents, ana oi tuose having charge ot the sloW moving freight and Messrs. Casserly, Frank Blair, Stockton, Bar.

will do well, Bath for themselves jand their opcvura vj jueasrs. star. pby and Johnson in ridicule of the cumulative system of voting. Mr. Weismsn spoke in favor of the provision, as did also Mr.

Lewis, aitbough he saidjiie did not know kn.tkin. a although in tne past tuey navs ueea inucu At one time (roods could be delivered Mil Fran Quiet. Quoted: Caarsoby the car $23 00; for fine "5 00; for finished 27 00. Vi, te 757 00 fotf canads. WheAt QuKet; salo was made at 1,400 push No 3 Dujath at 1 1 44.

Quoted as follows 1 Duluth ard and other, i i i trains, to the fact tlint jumping upon the children, to give! the' East Hamburg Friends' Institute a share of their consideration and A the meeting was without official form. Rev. Charles L. Hutch-. Mr- Itshjns, It will be remembered, -4a the editor of the Standard Edition, prepeil under the authority of til feeneral Convention.

This Musical Edition Is one of grat lalne. having the tune moving trains Is an etery day occurrence. Stringent measures should be adopted and en sentation of the cotton bonds claims cannot be too emphatically stated. These claims were presented before the Commission not only with the tu.ll knowledge of the British Ministry but by the authority of that Ministry. The case was so extraordinary tr at it was immediately, brought to the Htte'ntioe of the Administration and tho British Ministry was Immediately requested to withdraw the claims as they clearly did not come within the at (Jerry from New York eity lor only one cent more per hundred than was changed between Corry and Titusville.

Today we are charged from 33 to 49 cents from Buffalo, support. i V. i Ms. Palm kr also lavored tbe proposition, although be too said he did not know ant. scringat 1 441 45; No a.

Milwaukee club at I understand that tke noxt teim commences forced, to prevent such fearful accidents as we Wheat Steady with moderate demand at) 1 44; 45; and white winter at tl tS5l 73. or old-fashioned Democratic sanction, no action was taken, but the feeling was unmistakable against calling a convention at thh time, or indicating positive policy, until after tnmg about it. It was an experiment, and be with every hymn The 'mate or tue ingnesi $1 iD'iiiaii i setter April: a 1 sijg Aiayi i so on the 3d ol next mouth, i have repeatedly to chroticle. 1 1 CORS-i-liull. Salos were rej5oytQd as follows: Ijid June, i i 1 1" whereas special rates tram sei lor city are only forty-three eents per hundred.

Goods ordered from New York an Buffalo on the order, yet such as will bf popular with congre BujQfaloi Marth 20, 1872. j- jj 000 buih mixed Western In store pit one niuiug vry li, lopu'-ll WltD COUIitS as to its practicability, and also to Tbe motion to strike ont tha tnurth aantlnn gations and chjjlrs. Pay sues can now ds sup A nnriiriri, BOOK. J. FORD 4 COrt car do Ion track at and live cara h-gli same clay, ordinarily reach here lrom New Oats Quiet.

Nothm doinsr in other srraina MasonxO. An Jimergent Communication of plied on tho most favora-ao tcxois. iduu the action of the Cincinnati Convention is known. While the necessity of eealitlon with discontended Bepuhlicans was generally York nrst. Any reduction oi rates on ine mixed on track at have finally published a long expeciea anu Receipts 3.LV0 bbla flour: 9.000 bnh wheat: scope and purpose of the This request of cumulative voting waa lost by rote oi 6 Queen City Lodge No.

i5 will bo held, at thetr t-rnt trunk lines never benefits Titusville. bush com; D.O0O bush oats: 3,000 bush EmbroidcbbO SjfiRTJo Ff.ANNia. New eauerlv-desired volumes "A Library oi i-oeiry OATSJ-Momuuu at 440 tor ty ostein. RVE-rUull. I i Hall, corner of Main and Swan streets, on jrri- was refused by the British Ministry.

The EnglUu Counsel was advised to "press tbe patterns Just received. and Son." compiled By WILLIAM When fruit, vegetables and other perishable articles requiring quick transportation are 1 1 tliAv hiva Ia Ha Hhtnnpft hv ev- evening. March 3rth, at 7X o'clock. Work uuney; 2.0UO ou rya. iiressed hogs 80.

SiiipiUKjiTS 3,000 bbis 7,000 bn wheat; 14,000 bush corn; 21,0110 bush oats: 02 tusii admitted, it was urged that there must be no surrender of Democratic principles, or disrup BAE1.RT Quiet Quoted: Two rowed 1 i rwST ff KiM, MllB Btj Bryaht. The aim hast been to gather into a In Third Degree, BANKING HOUSE OF claims and did so until they were-ruled out by State at Western at 7075c; Canada; at barley; buaU rye. Dressed hogs tion oi mo uemocratlo party, i j. It i D. B.

MQBGAS, Master. oress, the rates xf which from Buffalo are SI 50 to $2 per hundred. In faut, the. To TBI I.ADIK3. An inuually large ai sort- single volume the largcfct practicable compila- II (I l.i ntfliuH 1 Tl tr.l 1 1TP S8'i0c.

Sale made 1,000 bu choice WeBtern! at Mllv inarket, 1 be coalition, If it is will be made 77c In store. I -V lion OI (OS OMfc a wiuauu e- the Commission itself. These are the facts of the history. The public speeches of Mr. Gladstone in so (ar as, tbey hint at the contrary freieht charges under which our FISK HATCH, Assembly Alsawy, March 27.

By direction of the Chair tbe Clerk called the Barnes of those member still In contempt for absence from tbe session last evening, aod tbe following appeared at tbe bar ol the House. Alter rendering tbelr excuses, tbey were purged of tbeir contempt and took tbeir seats! Messrs, Buell, Burns, Craodall, Fow- -ler, Oregory, Houghton of ti. Hays, Osgood, bu yder, Squires, Tompkins. Wood- Ti.oraphibio. -r Young men and lad'c3 ment of Erobroidorlos nuw opening, embracing all new paUxsins, tj wid very cheap.

Waking it as nearly as possible tbe choicest with the party linea Intact, and there will be iiiLWAOK EE, March 27. and unchanAd for donblA v.t- BASiisr Malt. Steady. Quoted to the city has labored would baye crUBDea any or. wtenlng jd acquUe a Very pleaunt and proflta- i 1:1 W.

J.NAIttN, SfJaiiUnst. knd mosteomDlete genefal collection of Poetry trade: Late made rroin tauiaoa barley at 1 lu only a union of strength and Interest. Mr. uiuary town out hnlllniaa honld aoolv at Bryant's Tele- mnr I being true as they very broadly do, are as In tia Spring at $5 twig 5 85. 1 i Grain Wheat dull and unsettled for No 1 at 26: and No 2 at tl 20.

lan ilnll and nnm- scattered her inhabitants to the winds. We 20; do. from Western at $1001 10: according Belmont was the only member of the' Demo grjph Institute, Brown's Building, oornor of I Set published. The di itinguished name and acknowledged genius a id taste of the compiler A 1. 1.

STYiaa Linen Collars and Culfs at have had the same extortions leviea on us ior excusable in the Impressions they convey as the statement of the London Times. No. 5 Nassan Street, JfEW.ToKK, March 1st, 1873. i -v 1 cratic Committee who was present. It was Main and S3ueca streets, or address g.

i- Bi yr to quality, conditions of sale, Ac: Sale was made Of 8,000 bush four-rowed Canada at, $1 15 lumber, coal, and everything we possess here. inal for No 2 at S2c. Corn dull aud diwping at 87J0 for No 9 mixed, llye firm and in fair tle- ant f----T ninwju sire abundant guarantees that the collection in Our srrowth and prosperity have been retard a freed that it would be proper to advise that ware, liemus. A oommuutcatlon was received from the on the ears, .1 mun ior no 1 atB870c. Bai ley dull and nominal for No 2 Fall at 680.

1 Cossets Tne ftnest and miwt complete as this volume is as perfect as tbe most fastidious no Democrats should participate In the Cin Hotior. I would rapectfully annonncs to selling the Receipts 8.000 Dbls Hour: and 4.000 bushels Bye Malt Firm. Quoted at 95ca $1 be Ens Sales were reported ot JOObusUTlmr and critical could deslrk Tivory lover of true ed, and a large portion of our wealth has gone into tbe pockets of the railroad monopolists. Such an opportunity for extricating-ourselves from the a-raso of an oppressive monopoly may cinnati Convention, it being thought best that sortment we have ever shown. Including Thomson's "Gninoa," "Pauline," the ladies of this olty that I have opened a new wheat.

i BA1LBOAD INVESTIGATION. TTW YORK, March 28. The Times 'Washington special says that Attorney-Uenerai in answer to a resolution of the Ueuse inquiring if there 'were conttitu-. tional objetlous to the abandonment-of tbe Crooked Lake canal. lie says the Constitution, distinctly prohibits tbe abandonment of poetry will find many iff not all of bis favorite shipments 7.000 bbls flour 1 and bushels store, No.

18 West Swan Strsot, thej stock embracing the finest array of Millinery and Faucy fDlamond. and 600 Bone. the work there should be left entirely to tbe discontenfBepubllcans. I.j wheat, i i 1 Chesapeake Ohio Railroad othy at 3 003 25; aud 50 bash medium clover at $5 do. Quoted as follows: Timothy at $3 09 3 25 medium clover at $5505 (BX; large do pieces In thil volume.

I ri i'lild KENT, Main St. never again be presented, livery dollar, which can be spared should be put into tbls Buffalo It is born of the necessity of the people, Goods that can be found in wsiternr-ew jorx. Tbe book Is superbly illustrated, elegantly The feeling with regard to tbe candidates the Committee on Commerce of the Bpuse yesterday ordered subpwnaa to issue for the Special Dispatch to the Board of Trade. I Milwaukee, March 28 10:00 A M. Wheat The market rules stead at $1 28 muj ui.

vuu ouiie, out ne was ot ouinioB that the Stale was nracticallr ahaa. mh2Sl MRS, JL. T. VAiJ AEKSAM. $7 007 25; 0014 00.

FIKST JHOBTQAGE CLoAirrxa VRLTKTBtuarVsu down to cost, to minted and handsomely bound. Mr. Jl was not so favorable to Judge Davis, there being less disposition to endorse his nomina officers of the South Improvement Company, Peas Quiet. Quoted at the following range: close out stock. and will be owned, governed and operated by tie people, and every dollar thus invested TriRVER is tbe agent and is canvassing the Spriso Fashions.

Alt the, new isiyles of doning a canal by omitting to make appropriations for its repair and management. lis is for No 1: No 2 at tl i3 for cash; and tl 20 seller April; and tl seller May. j. ai ktj aiain on. to ascertain the nature of the contract between Htr fa subscriptions.

He may be found at will put two dollars directly, and probably frm, Gimps, auiimre Laeea and Press tion than was et pec ted. Senator Trumbull Canada field, by the car, aW5, $1 03 in a spuiU jway; b-ack eyo marrowfats at $1 Jfi, for oi opinion tuat tne Lesulalure would I f. 41 t. Wheat--She market la steady for No 1 at that. corporation and the railroad companies.

hundreds of dollars indirectly, into the pootet C3T Card tngrHVii X-3-nting and Binding Trimmings, Sash Ribbons, Bnttons, now on United States Hotel. "i i 1 tl 2s; No 2 tl 20 cash; andt at tl seller violate its constitutional duty by refusing to make appropriations to the i nt tho ar-rx-k holder. This railroad is not only a It is asserted here that the reported compro tone by ISSUGKB ULBKICH, sale at 9 4, us p. iii 0 per Cent. Gold Bonds i at the rate of 04 and accrued interest.

They are in denominations of $1,000, 500 and $100, registered, or with coupons attached; inter- Apni; una si seller atay.f Wooiu Quiet, and scarce. Quoted: Washed mise Is not What it teems to be, and that it is canal, and thus abandon it. KS Mfrtn T. Ai. A Bnilding Arrest ofaIunoous ChaRactkb fleece at6575c; pulled domestic at 6575c; and means of defence against oppressive tariff, but security against future combinatians.

The simple question is, whether we now will seize A Change hot to be hare on two simply a plan whereby fhe contract is to be Sine Passsed, I do Mesteiza at Ei-ia have arrested a ttKUElria uu wneat. 1 i SRirMESTS- bu i 1 Toledo market. or three occasions referred to the line opyortn, Chevalier's Lif fob. the Hair restores held in abeyance for three months and nro- Paoyisiosrs oeiiingas rouows: Heavy rass tha irnlden onDOrtunitv to strike a successful nity afforded our citizens of obtaining elegant has many friends, and the name of Charles Krancii Adams was suggested, but It Is thought that some new man might )e' more preferable to any one that has been named. Frank Blair still urges the Domination ol Gratz Brown.

Outside of the meeting tbe name of General Logan was talked tod his availlbility discussed. Tbe meeting lasted till ml'Jnlght, the conference taking a very wide mrk isiS OOilil f): lieht mess $12 7M13 00: gray hair to I's oriisiaul color, increases its chap named JosKi Whrblkr who uD3i tbe property of csi payable May iiiyl November in Iiuitea Lducers allowed transportation at old rates for blow for Independence, or, by neglecting to do To Incorporate a Board of Trustee for tiie Home lor Destitute Children In Madison Co. To reoriranize tiie VWa linrannunt hA. short out cork 13 0013 50; clear 15 0(gut) 00; Knallsh manufactured f'lateu ware anu ui- I TofLano, March 27. FLounUDnll and unchangml.

1 tiBAiM Wheat dull and unchanged for ex CMttCB Hia us pruiuipui puj HI growth, stops Its fa'iing out, and la an agreeable dressing for tho Recommended by lery from the well-known -fietery of ToWnroe so, surrender wnnoui a struggle 10 toe uuun-nationofthe fckwtb. Improvement Company 1BS9, also In gold ooin. Bonds delivered by Ex that time, when things being quieted down the contract will again assume sway. i Lard! kettle rendered in uerces, do in kc-ffl aK- i Saioxeo Mjsats Sugar enred hams city of Brooklyn. a Son.

eaeftieldi England, at tne afternoon anu physicians. and become in a few years commercially ex. press, charges paid. tra white Michigan attl67; No 1 wblte Mlchi-gun at tl No 1 red attl 571; and No 2 red at tl 54. Corn dull and unchangied for high mixed shoulders Knglish breakfast bacon evenlnsr auction ta's at the Central Auction tiljct.

JSow, or never! untoBuaaior These Bonds, beside being the formal obliga JUST Received, A dpisjidld assortment of Eoomsof Bain Morrison. proprietor oi at 4ic, low mixed 41x0. uaia quiet tnd a Ladies Underwear, 4t range. j- FOKTY.SEtO. COSTGRE'l IlOt'SX WaSHINGTOH.

Ebntino MABKKT are re- Uio stock of Plated Ware-is strongly urged by THE HILBl'BO INVESTIGATION. Several members of the Committee on Bank' au-ar cured at jmoaoa xl 26. Lake Fish, White fish held firm with light stock selling at $5 00 per hair bertels. Trout advanced; very little in this market; selling at tions of a well-established, substantial and thoroughly responsible corporation, comprising amongits officers and directors some of the shade better ior 1 at 4zc; 3 at sac; anu Michigan asjifl- 1 i W. -J.

P.N'3, S)I Main Btj citizens" of other points to ylsit thenj with the quested by Mr. Pioard, Clerk of the Mar HUE. ing and Currency assert that the statement tibovKB bked yuiet at ou ror micnigan. I'ko visions IVrk til 50fcl2 00. and heavy.

rare ODDOrtunity affoided onr It 13 most experienced and trnsted capital Church Ai.JCAwit),' jh Barlsh List, Just kets, to state that In pursuance of toe order S5 siaraet oare 01 ciscoea. Molz, Linn at Co-'s Iron foundry on First therefore to be hoped that the ldle3 and hoiwe- Lard 8 eoj8 50. the company. Urtwas formerly an employee upon the Newbtiigh branch and was discharged. Last Fall two locomotives stolen from the shops at Kewburgh and ran up the road some twenty miles aud thsro left upon tha tra-jk.

Fortunately thy were discovered before serlou. results occurred. Switches wereoften found misplaced. Ee-oently three beautiful palacs cars were entered and so mutilated as to require an expenditure of several thousand dollars to effect repair. All this mischief is charged to this man under arrest.

lie is now In jail at Jersey made that Comptroller Hulburd had no oppor Hay Baivd 1 1 'AKni xo rrom -wag received by BR gKD, LENT a CO. ists and business men of the country, are. also of the Council at Its last meeting, he will rent gons per un. 1 in, tunity to be heard be tore the committee on tbe secured! by a miortsjage Lien npon tne Mt. Kklly of fr i the Conference Committee on tbe Senate, bill to provide for reporting and printing Ubates, reported tba the Senate oonlerees bad agreed to the amend-meats of tbe Uouaa, with a modibcation of tbe provision for advertising, directing advertfto-mente for the work for the 43d, 44ta andrtVno.

KECEiPTe Dbls Hour; Dnsn wneat: bush corn; and 5,000 oat4. SHrPHEtvTS bbls flonr: 2.000 bn wheat. the stalls In the several markets as follows: IllKVfY BbothbUs, GtwWers an1 Importers keepors of Buffalo will.Tjy tbe-r liberal patronage, induce Mr. Tevaroe, to prolong his stay amongst us, by catisfylng htm that he can- Street, East Division of Brooklyn, was burned early tbls morning. The loss on the stock.

and building is insured, 4 cvnole (Ureal ltal lroad JLine, qnip- charges against him is untrue; that the wit Hobs Steady. Selling: new, of Garden. AarioulturaiSana Flower Seed. Clinton Street Market, on Mondiy, April bn corn; bu rye; 4.0U0 bu oats. Seed Warehouse.

S8i Watilngton Street, Buf Salt Onondam fine selling at ti 15; do 1st, at 10 o'clock A. M. nat do better than remain tlU the wanU of this nesses against him were cross-examined, and that he has been accorded an opportunity to ment, Property nnd Franchises, whose cost and value will trot be less than thirty rail-lions, and which is destined, at an early day, to "(Immond coarmi" at $2 20. falo, M. v.

i i ream Washington Street Markot, Tuesday, April locality sre fully Leather irregular. Best siangnrer sac; gooa present his defense in writing. This state MISCELLANEOUS Cmbiso-oct Sai lor the season, to maSe 3d, at 10 o'clock A. 31. aoatiivc; oesx neavy have a productive value of nearly double this oeaspaper in tbe eilies ol Wa.bli.giou, deipbia.

Hew York, Boston, Cbieauo, is, Louisville and San Kraaclaeo. VEOKTiSElsnotirUhing and strengthening, ment seems to be due to the majority of the NEWS. I sum. i Elk 8treet JIarket, Wednesday, April 3d, tra over-weiifht 2Uc; best Texas at 2Sc; No 2 do at 25c; good damaged 23c; poor do at lc room fof spring poreiuea. Will sell present stock at greatly rediiCed prices lor th9 next City awaiting examination.

A reward of The Chesapeaae Cililo 'Railroad connects FINED. explanation by Mr. Kelly, tbso at 10 o'clock A. M. five hundred dollars In gold was offered for committee whose action was yesterday impugned by Hooper's renlies to questions of Messrs.

Dawes and Garfield. Hereafter the examina purities the blood, regulates tbe bowels, quiets the nervons system, asts directly npon the se-eretlona, and arouaes the whole system, to action. Veeetlne Is not a stimulating bitter which thedeep water navigation of the Chesapeake thirty days. i i Baltimore, March 28. The Shed, tor Vegetable-dealers, At tha Elk HIDES lnu.

Iiiuuxt; ttiwa mub uv, uu aii 16.3iii4c, do can 17lSc Dry western liiut do culls 17c; do Texas 22c, as they ruQ-T Bay with the head of reliable inland navigation his arrest. SK.VaTB WASHlxrii'ViiO. Mr. Ijamiia oil red a.ii intoi- i. i': Oiwefs jTIarltct.

Oswkoo, March 27. Flour Steady, good demand; sales bbls at t7 75 No. 1 Spring; 'amber winter at 8 2.1; white winter attS75; and 85 for lonble exti-a. 1 Ghaiiv Wheat nnchangcfl: sales of 4,000 bush choice White Canada at 1 1 85; two cars am' er Michigan at tl 73; and one icar No 1 Milwaukee club at tl 00. Com dull; sales of two cars at 71c-on track.

Barley held at tl 00 for Ray jnlnte. Bye nominally at 85o for Western, i 1 HionwraES Steady. Sales at 87c- I at tl wfor bolted, cwu; and tl 54 for unbolted. Railboad Freiohts Flour to Boston 60c, to New York 59c, and to Albany 40c Street Market, on Thursday, April 4th, at 10 Judge Gilmore, of tbCity Criminal Court, on the Ohio River. It is 427 miles in length, of tion will be public Hate om Hiss assortment aikok veet eteaay.

oeiiing at creates a flctllious appstlta, but a gentle tonlo o'clock A. M. 8AL.K8 01" ItBAL E3TATK AT Li SAXLB. Seal Laces, which 1 offering at nnnsnally which nearly three-fourths Is already in operation, and the remainder under such which assisH nature to restore tne stomaca a the payment out of the Senate oi tor the expenses fa Sales IaveatlgatlDsr Committee. -AQ 1 The Clerk is instructed to rent the stalls tn There appears to hafre been extensive trans- TRI-WEEKLY RKVIKW OF BUTTER, KGS, lowprioes.

v. healthy action. -'( pahSbaaB I COSCBESSIOIIIL APPOBIIOH. SENT. the several markets at rates not, less than rapid sonstrucMon that it will bo completed in real estate at I.

Sails, which is I TT ISSij Jf AA.lVA-t uk yesterday Imposed fines of $200 each upon W. E. C. Harrison, David Abercrombie, John Abcrerombie and Edward Nicholson, who were convicted of selling obscene newspapers. The cases will be taken to tba Court of A p- H3 V--- during the ensuing Sunyner.

Feather Dtsters, Step Lal lers. Cleaning I those paid last year. located a short distlnce above Niagara Falls, -j If, D. Batter ton's Produce Ctrevlar. Thi foilowiag quotations represent the sell Extra VsidvoxubA Qlfered in Cloaks at The prevailing sentiment of the.

'ew York 1 his (line furnishes a short and remarkably Brushes of every kind. Chamois tloor I Mr. tlowe called, up the St. Crolxr field Ilailroad bill, aud after aome diaid tbe liouae amendments were rejected vow of IU to t. At tbe XUiratioB of the morninv past.

Tbe Gazelle gives Within a short time delegation in relation to tbe reapportionment Folicr Court. There were but two cases W.p$ NAIRN'S, Main Brushes, Carpet Sweepers. Clothes Horses, cut Jas. T. Fulton to t.

ing prices from store. In lob lota, except where the following sales easy route for travel and transpmtstlon between the Great and tho Atlantic and as such will share, oa advantageous terms. InxhastapS before the Justice this morning. Ellen West- ting Boards, AC, at Babhum's. I GxJirpaE ACKETnd new style Black of Congressional Districts In their State seems to be in favor of giving, an addjtioool member otherwise specified P.

BoWSV, farm ctnsiueraiion vt colt was charged with stealing two chairs St. Louis Bfarket. I Bri LotriS. March T. RmrTEn A few nackacres of new are arriving Vails just opened.

VtTAX.iza the HAis-Wly does the hair -f OrENEB, St. Johss, S. Mareb 28. Bisd to JOHS BC13KTT, lot of land, So.OOO FLINT a KENT. to King's County, and leaving the remaining to a large extent, in the vast volume of through business, from the West which' now taxes all rom Thomas Lam phierand was sent to the become ha-ah an i dry why.

does It fall out Floor Low gramas others quiet and firm; sales of Superfiite at $5 J-ritz 0URD to Jkwrtt, of Buff do, 67 hut the color ia white and the quality must be very line to bring 34c No 1 batter sells quitrk ami the rang of prise nae bea about ls2c districts, both eity and rural, substantially as The railway to Frederlcktoa Is open and Fashionable All the latest Work lor thirty days. why does it become gray Simply because tne existing of transit. By means of con bill went over, and the Senate teaumed the eonuleratiun of tbe House lull to repeal lue duty on tea and coffee, Mr. fin an mam gave notice that he Would ask tbe Senate to sit today until Uie bill aiiou lU be disposed of. Mr.

Sukbkam said the adoption of tho amendments to the tea and coflae bill Lad mres. 819.000: C. KAND to R1TZ iiURB, 5 8i; Winter at 5 Jft 36; winter ii ft 60 US iif and WinterXXX llWl US. 1 they are now. the eastent road ia free from obstruction ss styles constantly on Band; French Tints, Cte hialier.

1 John Vaughn and Patrick Henxhey were life has itone out of iu The fibres draw susten ISO acre. S2- 000: jIhnO. SMITH to b. F. AL.

GaAlJS Wheat is easier for So 9 Snrinflr at Cboice rolls, wrapped, and in half bbls. 2528c d'illver, Fleurdo Viuiettfc," Flenr da Rose, Ca ance from the scalp as the grass draws aumeni charged with stealing a bumper plate and an far as Mosckton, but there is no cotnmuolca-tlon with Bangor. 1 S.S Winter is tlrmer and higher for No 3 at tron shove from the I.S.4M.R.E. and I from the soil, and when the supply of nntrt- mce and Mikado; also, aj the latest English necting lines, now under coustractlon in Ohio an1 Kentucky, it Will afford the shortest cheapest route between Cincinnati, Louisville, 31. Louis, Chicago, Memphis, and the Far West and the Worth Atlantic ship brrokr, of Buffall, 60 acres, $3,100: Capt.

trn.T to J. J. EaAj, house and lot, THE INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. The Tribune's Washington special says: It si 7d.a6i 7S: sioirea oo corn is ami slaiie over anu poor iou 1 itm Western half-firkln tubs, A No. 1...

Iia2 WeHtom hait-nrkin tubs, fair to WMdMrn firkins. A Ko. 1 Ifo25c and unchanged lot tio'i and Xo2 sent to the Work House for ninety and one I men'. cut on, eituer case, wo p-v ymia, '1'. white at 4Hc Oats dull and unchanged for No 2 HLKSJfeR CLBRICH'S, JnM BORDETT to A.

C. is reported that a revolution has taken )lace hundred and twenty days respectively. white Barley qulH at for lowa wiaiera anu cues. mi. fore, the nnfed or half-fed roots of the BClSafain IHrgt, Y.

U. A. Bnlldln among tbe bureaus of the Interior Deparfc- ping, ana it suit atonceeiaae rnna, uiererore, a-t oneof the Wreat frauk Kuans oi the V. H.W -T IH, )(M( wi WOJ1U' and be bellevd if the Senate now pied ttiu bill with these amendmetite, the. Vtoute would concur, and there would be end of the tanii question for this aeion, and lot, $00.

Impottant Bankruptcy Salo' i or Rprmif. Rye Is dull at7vswo. wmsti-Hull at B4e. I 1 hair should be refreshen ana reinroroeu wiui partment, growing oat of soma personal dif LOCATOR! AHD LAKE ONTARIO country for through tranr-paitation. Western hrkina, fair to good (V poor and State half-firkln tabs, gilt edge iJB Uc State, half-flrkin tubs, State half-firkin tubs, fair good 204'c Stone backed, mixed and ia.isc LkA? Tias, Mountaineer, Gilsey, Reform, Lvon'S Kathalron, the only preparation wmcn Besides these it traverse! the Shore Railroad.

At a large and earnest I VALUABLE HOTEL PROPERTY Pbovisioks Mess Pork fc dull at $12 ea Dry salted meats quiet at 6d for loose clear Tib; eiear aides Bacon is ouiet for shoulders at Regent, Just It, Elliptic, Royal names of new A Xuisancb, from number of weeks ago, the hydrant oa the southwest ferences between Secrectary Delano, and Gen. Baker, Commissioner of Pensions. The. re richest and most extenaive coal lie- wil nourish tne nianienta ana Keep uitsu ui citizens' meeting -held at Arcade Hall, in I Spring styles just motived at visorons condition after they have began to 3Lc; dear rih aides 767HcJ and dearsifies 7 posita in tne eountry, in ire route through the Kanawha Vailev. ami crosses, in Hh corner of Oak and Clinton streets spran Canada packed 10.O)2oe Caiwula rolls la-c AL CO HSTOCK port is that Gen.

Baker has been removed and the latter l- gnomes. augar eurea fisnu Lock port, last evening, a resolution was. 1 adopted stating that tbe interests of Lockport -bnk. and a great to-do was made about re- sntter from a delioiancy of their natural stimn-laat As long as tha Kathalron is faithfully fel ltf Jul and 360 Main Street that Geo. Walker has been appointed In bis LEeAXD BROTHERS' GRAND VXlWi HOTEL, ali3fs-c.

laru irt uuif anu nominal. Receipts bbls llionr; mi wheat. some of tbe most; important and valuable lieposlta off Iron Ore knou on this con u-n--nt- I The eoil, of which tliera are three vari nalrlnn It. A large bole was made, and the demanded a connection with the proposed I ntsd, with a proper degraa of friction, morn. place.

Gen. U. O. Howard, is named as the new Indian, Commissioner. Gen.

Baker baa eties, Vill lyrniah an enormous and prontaMe excavated earth was thrown mostly upon the DECKER I3S08. I'l AS OS. com; tra oiua; l.oou bush barley l.un) '-'i hoirs: rwr-Ue. Siiipm ksts bush orm. Lake Ontario Shore Railroad, and a committee I ina and evening, so long will it be impossible rossinion the south line Of Clinton street was appointed to confer with the Directors of I for the hair to hi tan or fall out from the I At Saratoga Springs, Kew York.

iramc; ana mere is no noaiit tnata lanre umn-nfeturtuir acuvity will be developed along the line. T. J. BATTESlSO.f PSOWJCE CCIuMiSSIOM KERCHAJsT i raaTiBUtKr Batter, CBeese, Fgga, Creea sb UrUa Fruit ts Proanee generally, 40 West 31 arte Street, Buiali, CT MAUKINU FLms seat free on apptl. JR.

ED. MOSLLKB 28 CHIPi'fiWi been the most efficient officer and by the admirable system of ook-keepIng which he. in mh.96.23AO said railroad and also to. secure legislation to I tc Up. i.i jl 1 1 r.

r. 1 Albany Market. Ai.Ba.irT. starch 27. 1.000 Bond costs Iwith the back tnter- WtTH rtHSITCRE, STORES AKD tqVIF- Parasols and Sunshades, new spring pat troduced, has discovered irregularities in ac enable that city to issue bonds for, not more Here tbe unsigJuly pile still remains, almost wholly obstructing the crosswalk, and as the frost is leaving the ground, creating nrr like a first class nuisance.

Now GB4.iv Choice samples of wheat scarce at Has constanuy on naro- ana oners nn we tAe celetirateAi BKCSKB. BEOV P1ASO. w-w sure op SS Bond coata Iwith the back inter- terns now opan, and cheap, at BAaMDK'3. taps than for that purpose. counts cf four or five pension agent whg had ftttl pnoes thousn mr very ami.

aye in rennet at for ltate. Con, du 11 Also, the CElfTKAI. Sanre. Grand rjc been embezzling tbe publle mosey for years," eat) lo-tiay 4f85 $100 Bond cost-i (with the back li. wrest) today 96 9 Will be Sold fU Auction, Mothers.

individually and collectively, i 3loicri' recemw anu quick aau a much larger supply needeiL It'ls to the interest of shippers to establish the brands of tbeir eggs, a4 best brands are sold at mark attdoutthe same price as those counted out. Sale yesterday and today: Best bran, Is Western and stato at mark at Suntc; Uoeqttr.d and In eraui3-ac; and mlsueltanaos bi-ands uf fresh eountei and at maik Cheese yuiet bat llrm; selling best yellow rich factory at lS20c; late made factory at lfii 17c Beat dairy at I718c i. Aj" Jis 1 stoclf sellg at 13 73; poor, Ac, 2 5)3 a Vegetables Quoted Lettuce at 80100e per doz-n; Radisliee at Ooci-Vs pear BUUbaib 75Ml00a per do. Bnt f-w sttts at qurtational Maple sgoak Sales of new In small cakes at J'3-2 -c Pack tightly in small boxes. Hew tn improved demnd and much wanted, Dkied r-Ru it Sales at quotations: Apples St-tte and Western qia, new and bright lousllc: State and Western, sliced, bright at right, Bradbury's Kayeura and other makes ct lor sll prade.

Barley shows do feaLnres. Oats dull and Held at SXaSie tor that tbe attention of tbe Water Works author Tbe discovery of the defalcations In Xew l.i Scicidr. One of the Inmates of the Poor House, a woman about forty years old, was RTe uuvand aril GOVERNMENT and CES rarucmu- attection 1 ouieri no iiw 'khi." nRnt CENTRAL SOUAUK liRAJTD. which ll without a single exception, pronounce Madame Porter's Cough Balam the most pleasant and ity is called to the dreadfuiness. wo York, Philadelphia and Washington, duriar PACIFIC and receive them in one parael, asa WlWISOAt, A-prli U72, at 12 atthe SXcUAJiUK HALkAtUMtM.

Ill Uroadway, in the City of New Jork. by It. (1. State. Cfcleage ve attocsi market.

Chioaoo. March rr. Mr. Ketch am will see that It Is looked after. found suspended from the window grating exchange for 1 11 ra AKh.

OiUO BOKUS efficacious remedy for the cure of congas, corns, the past few months, was due to tbe new sys unnvaiea us mti (uDwar 01 wim and is in excllnoe of wurkman nnirt Thu Piano has taken tiie first nremiun at uieu current PtiKS. tem oi coccus. this morning, she having hang herself during the night Doctors Walsh, BR1G63 and lii' cripUve pamphlets, with full informauon. Mis ISJCitsn. An accident of a painful croup, sore throat, in children that has ever yet been given to the public Tbey say It always sets Uie charm.

Children really like Lrvs Hoosv Dull and a. hide lower at $4 liM 4 65. Bekp Catti.s Steady and unchanged at lumisueu on application. whenever nas oeen oroueai. in coinpetiuoi- with other Those oestrtngtotmrehase, a Piano are cor- atr occurred at the Erie County rom.w; Qalbkrt made an examination.

Coroner We receive Jleoolt-i and allow Interest at tbe FROM If ETC YORK. ve.terdav. Mr. WlIAIAM VW JR it- Mce i5. and 75 maaauaw $4 The GMViJO Wimi Whkat Crop.

Morrow summoned a jury and will hold an rate of four per cent- on vl tn-eH-. make co in all pans of the eountry; insue eertrn-cates of deposit, and do a general banking fnrominof ths machine shop, while In Inquest during the afternoon. letters received bv roerchante in i.u ti.u', a airauciBTCii, Qauar toeflireo- ea of John M. riatt. Assignee ia inukrupU-T LelanU Brttirs, by oiilw of tle tluit-tt es Ll-trlct conn, ewitlm LHssnot of Jsew lYotk.

in itankmjrfcy. Tbe AwiKne ia vajtrd arl.h a perfwt li'je Yrr cooveyanrts lrom the Miutkmpti and their wlvtu, and tiir. property la to be sola by oraer of tha ixntrt, fee non all iliens and e-aims theioa exaent parchaae moa ey moritfa*gea, a4noaiitinu to auout Id cataiuif oe, trnia of aiMl lurtbrr par-tieulHKw. apply lottlibia kvil SI. Attomeya for AdCTiee.

137 Ilmadw.y, hew Torlt, or to JoHN l- fMtl, Aaain. Wall btrnt. Fabeeb Eocse, BosTOH. Sepm. 1S60- toe a of aJiaitiug a belt, wn by the business.

St. louia state that the winter wheat sown in tCAEE POX REPORT. SEW VaK, March 2S. We aavn had for several months in constant Southern lllinoL and Southeastern Mhnsonrl is arms and twice drawn up neany 10 lota, prime at Ra-tpberrlea at 2o (Sane. BbiciSST?" likslSc Cherries isaJoc Peaches at xa.23c for best Eastern and Wont-era: and 1518n for poor do.

Ail No I stock Suddex Death. Early yesterday morn IniVE A KTJMBER OP AGENTS mvalng the eity lor my ptper, "fOB ETEBVBOaY," aad In Jratine to tbem, wen as to r.rrxw 'tut patilic, i wlQ It dluncily uutr-t t--t wtto amduljr aatlii-il are pr-iireu ver tJe Jatiuary. e-Tuary tiievummo. "This oi ir mo.tey ationld not be ua'Jl tnrii i ataie. 1 reooan's: ta Ct.rrr a 1- -CfclPT ti .) 1.J".

iiii.SHk mbsstapl Alien 6-t iaffAlo-. ass tn Hal ford Lelcesterehlro Table Sauce, BTIGGT HOIiSfeS. BTUTT HOUSES, Saddle Borses and Ponies, suitable fur HABVKT FtSK. A-8 Hatch. F16K rt 4TCII.

mh6tap. wf now looking well, the root having escaped the arMon of the frost, and tiie blades Cut offnow in Wo he was astricatsd. Both arms -Tbe City Sanitary Inspector has prepared a ing the daughter of Mr. Bernhardt War andithasgivaasush satJsiAction to the guests Ladies' Phsatoos. Apply to I Iticz replaoed by vujorous sirowth.

From In- wsre broken nsar the wrists, and it fc feared report en the small pox plague, from whieh It sells quick ana vutnu. Potato Karty Horn higher at tssmes mer, a young lady about fourteen years of cf our D0Ujve tt oar orders for 8 haye been per I aiana tne xsuounia are i- res sale. IIS. KUSbKVlbLS, n.liiatair? 1 Krio Mref. 1,,.

.1 auffared internal injuries appears that ia tbe week; ending March 33d larger ttiw for other kinds of sance coin- age, mt ioudu ueau ueu. ue lamuy poy- i (uk, the ground, bavinupheved and destroyed tiie -m removed to bis res! btfc-h. Peerless $3 50 per bbl; and Peachblows at6ifijc per bush. Othera, at455eptir bush, in kk sdioplng demand. THB TUTR 3 ST0KT BEICK HOUSE.

sic lan decided that her death was tbe result of Mnwl. tmSfcfiAiil Jl- D. rABJUllS tAI. .1. 9treet, near the k.

67 Mariner Street. A bargain can be so? A tVOXjt uui tile ciwm. ui i ii, niuuoKKa re- ports as to winter wheatare enootn-3(iiijr. tSooWS-' Biiles of befit silver ulrtna at ti 50 heart disease. Coroner Vaughn was notified noasKaProf.

Anderson's Dexmadcsr will WorVhouss, an! II11.1. and will make an investigation this afternoon. CHOKT." "TWO JjtG "Roort Two Pony." How to FOR 8AXE. A. Ciianco for a JSsxgsdo.

WILL SELL. AT A LOW YIGVRX. cure- ii mteii viTflin aiei M'oi trina, anpiv to at-i4AH TOBD SOX. ratmi villi and lameness oi exports, there were 51 cases, against 74 in the week preceding- In none of these cases bad, the patient been recently vaccinated. Dr.

liorris explains the process of investigation by which he hopes to compel the physicians and eidzens to report those eases of itisease which come oiSier their lie explodes some of tbe fallacies prevalent regarding the daogsr to Br Rin.lonn for the t4 hours ending at noon JhthI mora ranidly than any other lini mhlStf-tntba 3 slain street. BniTVio. Adjust." at tne agency Mwi-t Ainenciui Tea Co iftS Mam Street. Acade jy or We ars pleased to nntha 1 th-: bm besn well CH A or cxrhantr for iIowts townirrriyvra pro Children's CABiiAGts. Selections from every manufacturer of note in the country, all ment Soldbydmejists.

Price, J5 and 50 eta Shi-rfd tftro1 Cituthitf -ItrOSTGA'SE WASTED. A FIRST bosses AX2 crtrs." TffE CXPXHsirj.VEC VS' fT f.Vla I w-, ti -t foStf-tathsAo ghore B. Jf. msnit. Total.

75 per bbl; do. yellow at trswgj a nor ii.i-tor bew fair under; tair to good to bet red at 1 rnni 2i Sfiles very slow and unsatisfactory, with larsre stock. Sala was reported of 40 bbU nt Jl sn- Beaks Salesorbest hand Marrows at i per bash; and do Moditlins ftt i 00 In i is per busn. Pea beans VlMm Oil per bosh. I ucleaa.ic under, liodetate demand and re- iioseT Sale bet comb at JWrfc, In 3 snd Us bosen; aud beet pure at pn: bottle.

IV I. ciais t'urf-iittse Money Mottritfe fr-r atKnt lie nouse it i.r a on exhibition and sjle at very low prices, at rOUSJS TO STaeat, ia i.oMt to on irnxiove.i city property, B-ARsuR'a. mnMupl a. '1 i r-t I '-'il; with rwssossicn "A pr-t 1ft. a-nonse Oca Black Siiks telr reputation Corn, oa 117.J i0 since fa of -tae- cf y.e.

JicWADg. ills 11'ay ol- Rip Van a vt-ry 1 i aJmSra- a-i-i sls.vhl all lovera rn'Vtera ltllrTj-, er (:. k( an Or A v. Oata, ba S.4- conriiiiinfi four ir live he c-fciui-aiiy io-catcil. Kent about of twins the finest color and cbfeip- cstients removed to the hospital, and io BaoABWAT Style Gotsataer BoJy SLk Hats tP-y at 8 -Vni-Mra Si re-t.

i. n. iiw eor. uoods in Cae mai now ready at mates that it is ta Trjr -r k. Ky.

li'i auui iMA StltS. i. Apply "J- fr fTsderns eavwgs boa jnhrtap R'S, i Main St..

The Buffalo Commercial from Buffalo, New York (2024)


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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.