The Buffalo Times from Buffalo, New York (2024)

30, 1000, BUFFALO EVENING TIDIES, MONDAY, fancy Geese, fair to good, per lb YOUNG PARSONS' i (V3ARII Wow's Your I ime rf pRt notioi ofbnv now's the timo and here a the I irn? a Toocoat. 'fZ 1 place. We said Friday that we would place on sale about 200 BiBoys' and Men's Topcoats, real $10, values, at $50 we did, and Bator-', day's sellinp; mad "a hole in the stock. If vou were riot fortunate enough to ayail youraelf of 1 the offer come while there yet time. The i styles and are still intact tho the quan-V tity is lessened, Values of ethis kind are rarely found not even here come quickly.

fp These Handsome Topcoats are correctly cut Tn the ftaRortmAnt. INGERSOLlii; yCAPTURED A V- i i i I 1 ailU uio rcij Dvjiinu. there are wool Coverts, iu the popular tan shades; fashionable Oxford Mixtures and Cheviots, finely fashioned and made in i proper lengths. Every garment isrsplendidly lined arid tailored, the workmanship is exeel-1 lent. There is not one in the lot! wprth less than $10 while they last you can get one for UP innnnnii tinniimnn HO Mb Clinton and WMhinrton.

Additional Want Ads. On Page 10. "help wanted male Advertnementa under this bead. Dally i Sunday, one-half oent a word. 111 1 1 1 'I WANTED Flva jrranit letterero.

Llmeetoe Hill Orantte Wtat Sanaeo, N. Y. i Z4UO '1 EN for shop work. Bmploymant Bureau, i I leg nain bu TEAMSTERS and etablemen. Bureau.

848 Main BU I Bmploymant apriitf A YJl Good, bright active young man, TV with fair education; one living wltk par ants preferred. Apply Manager, Iroquois. I 88t80A and ftraman. 1U Bureau. 841 Mala St.

Bmploymant apratf-A nANDY MEN and laborers. Bureau. 848 Main St. Bmploymant aprUtf A COLLECTORaV Main Bt. Bmploymant Bureau, 848 aprtatfA TRAVELER, for city Arm.

Bureau. 848 Main St Bmploymant oprUtf-A WANTED-Mlddlo-atod Orman to work on dairy farm. Inquire 1210 Fillmore 88t80-A, a ..2 152 25 ..2 05 a2 10 ..3 05'2 10 BEANS Market draglng. Marrows, fancy, H. Marrows, screen, u.ii,im fanrv.

H. P. 1a9 Medium, screened. 18OT, Pea, fancy. iU JT White Kidney, fancy Red.

Kidney, .1 Of 2 eoca 33 Red. Kidney, common STRAW Steady. Wheat, bright, per ton ,.........8 258 75 00010 00 Rye, bright, per .8 SO oat, per ton HAY Firm. Timothy, locte, baled. 00915 50 Tlnulhr Jllrhr.

luled. Crime 14 lfi 00 1... 75am zi Timothy. No. 1.., .,..13 (XXQli SO LIVE POULTRY FlrmL Turkey, choice to fancjf, per 1114 cnicaens.

fancy Chickens, do. fair to i. Chickens' and fowl. lancy .11 Fowl. fancy owi.

lair 10 gooa loHau SO 0115 Ducks, fancy, oair Ducks, small aid anediuai .75 ti-m ducks, per oia. ..11 ..40 .0 '12 ueese eacn, eta 62 Pigeons, per APPLES Fair. Apples. Bpltsehberg, fancy 5 .8 75g4 00 .3 754 00 a t.K Apples, Northern Spy, Apples. King, fancy.

fancy A Doles. Baldwins, fancy Apples, Greenings, Apples, No. 1, aU varieties 73(3)4 00 .....5 lf A Doles, seconds, red B0WJ 75 Apples, seconds, green fruit mat 7i CRANBERRIES Market Arm. Cranberries, C.C.. crate, lex.

25 Cranberries, good to 00 Cranberries, soft FOREIGN FRUITS- ...1 t'aX Lemons.) Messina, fancy box .3 0003 ..1 5''1 73 ..3 26:3 5i 00(0-3 la 3 Wa- 6o4 Oj ..2 76 ..8 Wa- 85 26'Sl 50 ..5 005 5 25 lCn) 15 25ff2 50 lOfiJ li IS 25 bciuuua, Orances. Cal. Navels, fancy. Oranaes. Navels, choice Oranges, Orape FruK.

Cal. Banana, selected Bananas, 1... Bananas. No. 2.

Grapes, good to choice. Strawberries, fancy, at small, soft and green strawberries. uo tan cases. Pineapples, small Pineapples, large VEGETABLES AND FRUITS- Cabbage, choico to fancy. .....,1 75f8 00 25i 60 Z0d 25 Cabbage, fair to good.

Carrots. Der bush. bbl Cucumbers, hot house, per 1 001 35 Cucumbers, New Orleans, 754W So Beans, wax. N. dui oox BeanB.

green. N. Ou. box 3 7fw4 25 Beans, Florida, greeni .........8 003 51 Beets, new, per doz. 40 9 Beets, N.

per sugar bbl 4 0n 5 08 Beets, old. per bu .40 45 Lettuce, fancy, heads, per 45 50 Lettuce, per bundle 20 30 leaf, a box 90i oo Lettuce, do. No. 1 fin 75 Lettuce, do, fair to good 75 86 Lettuce, Boston, per tOl 2. Lettuce, ao, cniCKory, sugar, uuu.j iwi uu Pieplant, fancy, per ds.

Pieplant, small and Radish, dos. bunches, Radish, N. per sugar Tr.mltflM Florida. fahCV low 8U 50 .4 005 00 .3 3 75 Tomatoes Florida, poor to good.l 25 S3 60 Tomatoes, not nous, per Parsnips, per Parsleyj per dos. bunefhes Parbley, N.

dos. I'be bunch. Turnips, per bu.Jion track 208 80 nip 805 Turnips, wniie, per ounn. Spinach, home growni pe ner hamper 1.... per (mi 25 300 40 Splnash, N.

per sugrar WO 8 09 VeKetable Oyntera, dos. 4Q Horseradish. N.l. pet cwt 7 00(07 60 Horseradish. Np nee 8 ROW 4 00 vm 45 18 20 w.t.mnH.

ha, bunches Potatoes. No. 1. White Stars, per bush. Potatoes.

No. 1, Hebromi and and "sil" 4R 46 nthar rA. Del bUSh Potatoes, fair i to gdod of IrlnHtf 40(0) 41 fitorn lots 3tO So higher than above prices. Potatoes. Bermudas, er bbl 6 507 00 Potatoes.

Havana, pe bbl 8 BMi5 00 bbl. a mm oo Potatoes, Florid, pe Potatoes, Jersey, per D. 75 Potatoes, gooa to cn Ice, per bbl.S Mw on Onions, fancy, bush Onions, dok fair to Onions, red, fanoy wnn 70 ftm eo mm 75 nnlons, white Onions, rren, I aos. Onions, nermuda Onions, Havana Olerv. fanov.

dos. i wm bo i mn oo 40ifk 45 mnnA tA ehOICS 60(9 80 mn 80 ralarv. onmmnn. small Cslary. California, per dos.

76(01 60 HON EY Market attaay. White, fancy. No. 1 No. 1 No.

1 Dark. No. 2 16 14 tyi6 18 8 8 DOMESTIC DRIED FRUITS- Peaches 4 6 TVfit 8 Apples, evaporated, fancy, per tb Apples, do, rair to gooa, per Apples, sun-dried Raspberries, per Blackberries, per Ib.i Cherries, pitted, per lb COUNTRY DRESSED MEATS Market i Hogs, medium Hoks, heavy Plus Veals, prime VealB, fair to good Spring -Lambs 6i 6W 14 0 8 UK ,6 006 25 .5 00 .6 50 8 ootgi 6 50f(j)7 50 4 50 GOVERNMENT THREES. The following NeW York quotations on the United Stales Government new 3 are furnished by the City; National Bank Bond PeparUnent: Bid. Asked.

IT. S. Govts, new 108 3-4 H9 1-4 U. 8. Govts new 108 1-2 110 EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK.

EAST PUFFALOi April Receipts 175 cars; market full, steady to atronK with la week. Beat meavy teers quotable 530(8640; good to ctfolrt' light to gohd butchers eholce to prime fst heifers 4C(J48a; light to good brk fat cowa 410W438; eommon old to good! 225400; heavy bulls lower 40CKB486; others H6300; ti.cckera and feeders alow alf but best lOo io lFo lower; good feeders 440tMO0: common to fair 87511425; best stjockers 415iSpl4U; common light to good mM', valves 4(i(6r5O0; freah cows kteady; good wringers also veals 420600. Hoga Receipts 80 car; market lower: Torki-r light to R45it500; mixed and mediums iteady 670575: pigs 52S(5S0; rougha ooCfifelO: eiags Bhetsp ana Lambs cars: dull, tower for lamba: heat tops clipped 640 650: culls to good best clipped sheep mixed 50053a: culls to good 250 45: handy wethers 64055; yearlings 60 580; heavy ewe sheep 475490; wool stock light supply, practically neglected. MEW YORtTmARKETS MokEY. NEW YORK.

Aprtl 30. Mo.iey on call mercantile sterling exchange demand and at 484 steady at 2 per ceht naoer 4S4 1-2 per ftr steady 488 l-4l-2 tnr firt davs Dosted rates 485Sl-2 and 489l-2; commerfcli silver certificates 59 1 al bills. 488 1-2660 1-2; bar si.ver. 69 8-4. Mexican dollars 47 1-Z; government bonds firm.

WALL STREET. NEW YORK, April. for Americans at London were slightly lower which contributed generally to an easier tone in tne local market at the opening. Changes were mainly silent but In few instances there were wide variations. Neiw York Central dropped 1 6-8 on uneasiness aa to the labor situa tion and Canada- Southern lost as much cympethetlcally.

Sbgur bounded up 3 ooints. Material losses occurred in some or tne Pullman going off 3, Union Bag and: Paper nref erred i 8. Flttsburjr. c. C.

St. Louis preferred 1-4 and General Electric 8 points. The market steadied sokne after 11 and Inl proved when sugax recovered to the touched 60 and oth and Missouri Pacific highest. The latter southwestern rail- reads responded no metal stocks helnet ably. A rally in the to hold tne xnarxet whioh became dull and rather unsteady.

ST047KS. NEW YORK, Apifll 80. The stock market opened irregular. American Steel and Wire 38 1-2; Atchison preferred 301-t; Hiirltngmn 125 1-2; I Continental Tobacco 39 J-4; Federal Steel 41; leather 18 5-8: leather preferred 711-2: Louisville 82; Missouri Pacific 67S-4; New York Central 134 3-4 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 74 S-4; Narthern Pkwsifie 68 8-S; People's Gas: Rock Island 108 3-8: sugar 118; St. Paul 119 1-2: Southern preferred 67 3-4: Tennessee Coat and Iron' 81 6-8: tobacco IOC 1-2.

Union Pa3lQ3 58 5-8; Union Pacific preferred 75 1 CHICAGO MARKETS CATTLE. CHICAGO. Aprill 30.CatUe-Receipts 22.0m); steers 10c lower; butchers, stocks. stwdv rt-M -ti inrlro steers 4fcWR73 BODY FOUND THE UD DISAPPEARED IN FEB RUARY MET DEATH BY DROWNING. MAKILLA, April I i 80 (Special)--Testerday a searching party found the remains of Clarence parsons in Mill-man's pond The body was badly bloated and jdlscolored.

Parsons is the Cowlesville boy who qn Februajry 8th left home to carry a-letter to the poatofflce, I He mysteriously disappeared. Active 1 search has been made 1 orchis remains since at! times. The finding of the lad's-ap and rub-hr iw davs aero Invited renewed ef forts and the whole countryside! turned out last week. For a time it was I thought by some that the b6y had beeft; kidnaped. This belief.

I however, was not entertained by the majorltj of residents of Cowles viiiA and -wlclnitv. That It was 111 founded has been proven by the finding Of his remains. Tn amine to the nostoffice the boy had to cross a bridge which spanned a creek. The water was high. He must have fallen In and drowned.

IN LINE FOR DISAFFECTED BOrAJTSI WIt.1. STAND BY THE HEBBASKAH -II THIS TEAR. LE ROT, AprU 30. (Special). The citizens o( "to -Hoy are manifesting more paign years Interest In the PresldenUal cam- to be held this fall-than for 'The Democrats are alive to the issues, and will enter the cam wittt a vim that will mean some paign thing.

It is reported that the Democrats of this Village 'Who bolted Bryanj at the last election will stand by him this year. The clety Demociats have organized a so- here an? a large number have joined. GOLF CLUB OFFICERS Organisation of the East Aurora i i Club Perfected. EAST AURORA. April 30.

(Special.) -Thcl final organisation of the golf club has been 'completed with the following list bf I officers: President Samuel Colgate; first vice-president, H. C. Underbill; second; vice-president, George C. Beals; secretary, George Van Keurani treasurer, R. Persons.

The president Is empowered to appoint a membership committee also a committee to have entire charge of the course. The course is nowi being worked on dallyjand a well known golf player has been 'engaged to superintend the work for a week beginning Wednesday. A total of 9450 has been subscribed up to date which will covejf the cost 6f maln-tenarice for at least one yeaf. The membership fee will be 15. family membership of two 38.

and more than two, $10. i It is expected that a total membership of at least ISO will be enrolled this summer. 1 COFFEtTdAM A FAILURE Loekport Residents Interested In Report That Comes from Albany. LOCKPORT. April .80.

(Special). In connection with the report from Albany to the effect that the Board of Public Woris Intends to push the cinal survey. 'and Its first step will be to deter-mine the maximum lift -of lock to be used; Loekport people recall that the State, has already spent a nice sum on this preliminary work with reference to a lift lock here. Under the $9,000,000 appropriation, work was actually begun In the preliminary stages on Improved locks here. A coffer dam was built on the basin beloW the combined locks In this city so that the engineers could make the surveys for the foundations required for the proposed- pneumatic lift locks designed by State Engineer Adams.

The i coffer dam was a failure for some reason and the work had to 'be abandoned i after several thousand dollars bad been expended. CANADIAN BRIEFS The 7th Fusiliers of London will visit Brantford on May 24th. Mgr. Paleonlo, the Aportollo Delegate, uss gjvon a recrptlon at London, Ont. Woodstock has offered th Eleetrlo Company 19,000 for a plant which the company values at 316,600.

N. IbJ Coleoek, euito.Tis hroknr of Nlatr-eVa Vails, has heen appointed vice tr.d ideputy United States Consul. Alexander formerly of tho firm! of MrMUIan Haynes, Bt. Catharines, Is dead, In Sydney, N. S.

W. The by-law to give a bonus! of $40,000 to establish a beet snrnr factory at St. Catharines was defeated by a vote of 835. against 2K7. i Mm.

i Austin Wlnegarden of Scotland, OnU gave birth to triplets, all I finely devkipsi children, gregate 23, pounds. whose weights ag- Sti Janes' Presbyterian congregation. London, have decided to increase tne sa lary of their pastor. Rev. A.

Me ailUvrty. from $1,400 to $1,600. Conductor John Savage, a railway man, was struck from hty train at WablfToon by a projecting water spout, and died in a few hours. James Pierson was arrested at Princeton on suspicion of being concerned in the recent attempt to wreck! th midnight Grand Trunk Railway express rear that village. John' Little, the president of the Brant-fc-rd Wage Earners' Society, i who was discharged by the Brantford Cotton Mill Company' Monday, has secured a.

position! in Hamilton. The weavers who struck as a protest have returned io work, The Hamilton finance committee has authorised City Treasurer Stuart to ad vertiae -for offers for city debentures about to be for good reads, $200,000 for the. third main and the filtering extension, and $30,000 for the Board of. Education. j- I WESTERN NEW YORK BRIEFS a bank is to be established at Wilson.

The tendered Henry Prlestef of Batavia netted jaiop -f 'Al Loekport man while intoxicated paid off ia number of debts. He has taken the I -The I late B. D. Hall of Loekport left an i estate of $78,000. It will divided equally between; his four children, Albert' Co of Wyoming County, committed suicide Saturday afternoon by hanging himself.

He was 71 years of age and had beea HI for some time. Edward Norley, a dissipated character of Newark, 'yesterday cut and hacked his! wife in an attempt to murder her. Believing he- had succeeded, he shot blmse'f. dying a few hours la ter. The Injured woman, although i shockingly mangled, may recover.

ciiicixNATi 'And bktubn $10.75. VIA. ERIE R. R. 7th nndi 8ih.

irond to return unitl Mav 12th. Tickets ard further inform ulon at CI tv Office, No. au atrfct. I 30-2-4-e. PJ ri If rrrunu.

ijooa. Irca ftm-i Tu0Dr.Blltttlt.M.V 11 ee4eeeeeee Mews was received at mis pon yes terday from Escanaba that the steiamer Thomas Maytham was ashore' at Island in the' dense tug was I sent from! the above port to the Maytham's assistance, It Is not known how' seriously the vessel 1b damaged. The steamer Idlewild, which lef It Detroit Saturday for Toledo, was (thoroughly repaired and repainted for the season's work. She was equipped with a new electric lighting i plant, a new white palrfted smokestack and a new stern, i ij- p- aJ report comes from Detroit to the effect that a new tug is; to be built at PMonroe. by J.

NJ Dewey Co. The tug -will be 75 feet long and will be equal to anything her size on the lakes. ,1 eut. Byfon L. Reed has again been assigned to duty on the (revenue cutter Fessenden.

Last summer he was trans prred to the Charleston district The Fessenden Is receiving (repairs at the drydockJn Detroit. The Great Lakes Towing Company sent several of its large tugs up the lake a few miles this morning tq scout around for boats Incoming vessels. citing races are quite frequent between the Maytham tugs and the trust's craft out in the lake. It is said that when the schooner John Wesley was built for Skldmore Abalr by a Biley Of Toledo, Mr. Skldmore, who.

is a devout Methodist, prevailed upjm his partner to have her christened th John Wesley. Shortly after capt. Edwards built a boat for the same company, and! Mr. Abalr, who la a sin cere Catholic, insisted that she be named, the St. Peter.

I A rival for Today. Germania, Chicago, wheat; Emma Hutchinson, Chicago, corn; Robert Hoi-land, Bay City, lumberi! White FH- ant, Bay City, lumber; Madagascar, Chicago, corn; Morris B. Grover, Mani- to woe, oats; Tyrone, Milwaukee, wheat; Milwaukee, Chicago, crn; Mljchigaft, Milwaukee, oats; Auranla, puluth, wheata; Fred Pabst. Milwaukee, oats; Quito, Chicago, oats; Frank D. Ewen, Chicago, corn.

I Today's Clearances. Madagascar, no cargo, Ashland; Viking, cargo, Duluth; White Frlant. no cargo, Sault Ste. Marie; Robert. Holland, no cargo, Sault Ste.

Marie; E. C. Hutchinson, no cargo, Superior; Germania, no cargo, Su- perior; Tuscarora, merchandise, Cht cago. Todays Coal Clearances. Barge No.

118, Chicago, 3,275 tons; hnrcra No. 123. Chlcaeo. 3.100 tons: Britannic, Milwaukee, ton8; John Owen, Superior, 3,000 tons; A. Stevens, Milwaukee, tons.

i Mlaeellaneona Clearances. xjr r.nA ka.Mi. of sugar; Monitor, Duluth, 1,250 bar rels or salt; wortn wina, aupenor, 4,400 barrels sugar and cement; S. C. Reynolds, Toledo, 650 barreirugar.

MACKINAW CITY. I April 30-(Spe clkl.) Up; Paris. 12:30 A. M. Clarion.

Corsica, OratWlck, Mary Boyce, 8. jDown Alcona and" consort, 5:20 A Pahlow and consorts, Pasa dena. 7:50. Sheltered ilnter Oceam The light housa steamers Dahlia and Amaranth have finished placing buoys Iri fha Hrralta i (Wind strong, i clear, SAULT STE. MARIE, April 30.

(Special.) Up Paris. 11 last night, Down Merlda, 10:30 last Mght; Troy, 21 A. M. Rees, Coralla, Roby, Minnesota, Case, 7:30. DETROIT, April 80.

(Special.) Up C. H. Green, Genoa, 1 11:30 last night; Watt, Thomas, 1 A. Morley Veronica and consorty Codorus, Prick, China, Peck, Gil christ. 7:30.

Down Hall and btirges, last night; Tempest, CoynejJ 1 A. Pope, 7 30, Grata Freights, SAULT STE MARIfii April 30. (Spe cial.) Down: Specular, Magnetic, Mar- iskl, Magna, Continental. Holland, I DETROIT, ArA-11 Up Parneil, Topeka, own Argo, barges 8:30. CHICAGO.

April 80, fSnecial. Ves siolmen were generally holding for 2 1-4 cents on corn although one lot of wheat was taken early In the day at that Tomorrow being a holiday, on account of Dewey, the big delivers on grain on contract may bring about a better demand by Wednesday, jj Steamer LI an nreaks Steam Pipe. I SAULT STE. MARIlli April steamer R. Linn which left last night, returned nere today, having broken a steam pipe.

She will lnave again as soon as repairs are com-, pie tod. Clt yof UlaaKOTV Aground. DETROIT. April steamer City of GlaaRow. bound up last night with coal went aground near the dummy light on Like Krle.

The Wales left today for her release, the dummy lighthouse was recently-burned leaving the dangerous course without sufficient marks. THE TIMES' market reports, as oi- ows. are furnished by T. O. Vlshion, pro- uce commission merchant at No.

66 West Market 8ireet: i BUTTER Light. ij Creamery. Western extras 18 Creamery, do, do, firsts Creamery, State and Peon ex IT Creamery, do choice Creamery, do fair to boo A is 17 16 Creamery, ladles, fancy ......17 (Dairy, exira, oiaie Western extra choice Packing stock Crock Butter, fancy Crock Butter, fair to good 14 15 Ron, Choice to rancy ...14 elo Roll, fair to good 13 14 CHEESE Market weak. New Cheese, fancy Do. good to choice ...1 11HU fckims, fair to good 7 kirns, poor and common -2, 4 EGGS Market easy, State, i fancy 0 Western Southern fancy Duck eggs, fancy 1 (i20 Geese ...40 50 DRESSED POUliTRTj-Pemand good.

Turkeys, fancy, small 12 lylj' Turkeys, large, young. 11 612 Turkeys, food to ....11 4)UV4 Turkeys, thin and coarse. 10- Turkeys, poor 8- 6 fancy. 14 Capons, medium, fancy ...............1212,4 Capons, small .....12 5 4 Chickens, choice to fancy ........12 Oi Chickens, fair to Chicks arid fowL 11 fill Fowl, choice to Fowl, pnor to i'10 Old Roosters Pi. 7 i Ducks, choice to :14 T--.

rr 'i i eiU .17 fu i mi 15 ........15 16 18 sf WANTED Pour No. Iron molder and one braae molder, immadlatelyt good w- and steady work. Bevatrd Sayfang Mfg. Bradford, Pa. I 83180 A WANTBD-Advartiaement aoilottor fur eity, Addreas, giving eaparianoa.

Look llos 184. I 4tf-A WANTED-AdwliMment aoileltor tnr city. Address; glvlag esparteaaa, Leak Soa -vr -4tf A WANTED Bright anargette boys tn evry aohool dlatrtet In city for light work, on commission: work will not Interfere with going to choo and will set good profile. Addre, giving age. number ef your school, etc.

Permanent Times oflios, febUtt A HELP WANTED FEMALE Advertisem*nt uadk -this bead. Doily er -Sunday, ana-half seat a word. ANTED Apprentice girl and makers In our millinery department: aooly at once to Adam, Meldram Anderson Co. 87U0B 'ANTED Olrl for general homework. 84 K.ingsiy bu DEFAULTING TREASURER OF TOMPKINS COUNTY FOUND 7V' IN SAN FRANCISCO.

BAN FRANCISCO, April 30.Charles Xngersoll of IthaoC-N. Y.was arrested here -yesterday on the charge of em besxllng (15,000 of public funds belong ing to Tompkln County, N.f" Y- of which he was treasurer. iii Ingersoll admits his identity and says he is willing to return without the ne- cesslty.of extradition He says he took the money to tide, over a temporary financial embarrassment, and, if he had only been courageous enough to tell his friends he would not have been compelled to take refuge In mgnt. He is extremely nervous and says he has been almost crazy since December. He say 8 all the money he took with hird.

when he fled in December was $255. wnen searched at the city prison he had! a-dollar and a half in his posses sioni. AUTEIVIPTED KIDNAPING vf! EFFORTS MADE to ENTICE THE LITTLE CONSTABLE! GIRL FROM HOME. NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, April evening two men dressed as women, in dark clothes, heavily veiled, are: reported to have attempted to entice thi 12-year-old Constables girl away. She is the Crown's chief witness.

She an eye witness of the attempted blowing up of Lock No, 24 tn the Welland Canal. Tho masqueraders decamped when the father of the glrlj appeared. 1 He has' since asked protection and a couple of special guards now stand lit front of his houses-day and Several suspicious people have appeared at the hotel's and about town during' the past few days but the present of the soldier guard makes them very careful. The two men In the feminine attire aslted a couple of lads to show, them where the little girl lived who saw the dynamiters drop the charges into the canal. No trace of them has been found as yet.


Harry S. Maj-Undale, the well known club man anfy cross country died at the irnvlr TTnanltal Safnrrlav 'nlflrht frdfn the effects of an overdose of mor phine. He was removed irom nis apartments to the nospuai saturaay afternoon and every effort made to safje his life but his condition, already -ob tint shin tn withstand the effects offthe drug. 4 Pf Mr. Martmaaie "was --k nauve oi Oeneseo, Livingston County, N.

Y.t wf ere his family was prominently connected. He was an enthusiastic horseman and was one of the best, known riders in the -country. Martlndale was a member of the O4neneo Hunt Club, the Meadowbrook HanT Club, St. Aninony uiuo ana me rtriutnitv ninh T.nut November he met with accident which was Indi rectly tne cause or nis aeam. was riding in a hunt of the Oeneseo Hunt niTiK mhan wai thrown from his hoje, his right leg being I injured so badly tnat nmpuiauon wai nwrraiv inforder to save 1ls life.

I He never fiii tmm tha shock and had been gradually tailing since that, time. II, iitam vain aM Aflrl unmarried He is survived Jby two nn whnm resides in Albany anil the other in Rochester, The burial Win 06 in in" lamiijr pioi i umavra, N.j Y. 1 BUSINESS CONDITIONS I Central Passenger Agent Daniels Finds Them Improved In the West. I NIAGARA FALLS, April 30. George H.

Daniels of New York lty, general passenger agent of the New York Central lines, arrived here on his private caV last night after a six nionths' tour through various sections of. the United Stjatee, embracing the Southwest and Mr. 'Daniels said that the general business' conditions of all sections, of the country were more prosperous than ever bafTe under his observation. He 'srioke particularly, of the increased trlade of the 'United States with the countries' of the Orient. From San Francisco, Portlaud, Tacoma, Seattle other Pacific cities, merchant ships were sailing now almost dally, where a few years age a ship left for the Orient only oncfc a montn.v.

NETTED A GOOD SUM Roy Vtremen-Ralslnar an Estr talnmeat Fand. LE ROY, April SO. (Special. )--The executive committee of the firemen's benefit fair recently held has announced that the iict proceeds does not Include the subscription which was taken up among the business men and amounts to about I80Q. 1 Jit la the Intention of the firemen to give' a home talent minstrel performance later- on for the same-benefit, as they expect to.

entertain the firemen of Genesee and Wyoming, counties, who meet in Le Roy in convention in August in a style that, will do credit to the I. -j 1 Aj PRESIDENTIAL ELECTOR. II, ROY. April 30 (Special-)' Charles H. Prentice, a well known- resident of LeRoy.

was last week honored by. the nomination of Presidential election, on the Republican State ticket. Mr, Pren-Moe I president of the Power 'Milling Company and also of the Lt-Kcy Company. LABOR TROUBTES BEGUN IN TONAWANDAS. RIOTS ARE ANTICIPATED TIE-11 AUMCCf THBJ'-l LAKES IS THREATEXBiD HT UJII05" ME.

CLASH JtXPBCTltD ANY TIMES It Wonld Talc Qjalyai Small Matter to Precipitate War Umkcmea Are TONAWANDA, AprU J0.4ipecial.)- The first lumber boat has arrived and the lcntC Rouble along the lumber docks is at -handf Early yesterday taorning the propeller i Seattle of Oscoda. Capt. W. Still, into I'the local barbbr with 15,200. sayed'eediy: ties for Loud Sons of this village, and moored at the company's dock on Goose Island, The steamer had no sooner, landed before boarded by president Suits of thelocal branch ovth intfcr national -Ualon and foremen vteni ana arxer oz rion- "union Capt.

Still listened to the arguments of both delegations andtjfcen announced that he would give' the- o1 h-tract for unloading his boat "to lJ. Pcrker, the foremen of the non-ujbn' gang. Protests from President Suits failed to change' Still in his determination and he announced to THE! TIMES reporter that he would not, go back on the men who had during- the past gt yen him satisfaction In the unloading of his cargo. tttn win Fiaht. "If the lumb'ermen and the men stand by me I will tight the union to the bitter end," said Capt.

Still, after the tabor representatives departed. Secretary Henry C. Barter of the International t'LonRahoremen's Association was immediately sent, for by the local union and upon his arrival here last evening he wrht aboard the Seattle and reiterated the" 'demands mada by President Suits regarding the claims of the union, butrfiis' demands fell on deaf ears as Capt. Still -Informed Secretary Darter that -be- would not give his work to the union, 'J TUB TIMES' correspondent accompanied Secretary Harter and President Suits to the Central station and whan within a few blocks of the depot Secretary Darter turned to President ftults and said: "Oo get your men and be on haiut to unload that boat in the morning. President Suits left for! the union headquarters at once.

Saloon System Mnst Go. Secretary Bartern (conversation with THE TJMES'represetrtattve said. "This saloon boss eyatem'in' will have tQ.KO despite the lumbermen. feel sorry for Capt. Still for his faction will mean that he will be.

unable to get a load for his. boat unless! he pays a -fine to the union. I will, take personal-charge pf fight today, and we will win." At theytlme of the arrival of the boat union men were on the dock, and they became, excited when the captain's decision was made known. The situation is at the parting point, and most anything will precipitate trouble. Chief of Police informed THE TIMES correspondent that some urilon men had made application for permits -tw carry revolvers but" they wre' -refused.

The situation is anything but brlght.its Secretary Barter states that the union will be recognized or. there will be and that he would Immediately dispatch Instructions along the chain of lakes to every port regarding the action The lumbermen are prepared to spend $75,000 to win their, fight. Secretary Barter Is also authority for the statement that the union will sign eontrscts tomorrow with owners of three fVets plylog here despite the blt-tertpppositlon of the lumbermen. Police are orders to be in readiness. NON-UNIONISTS AT WORK Seattle Is Helnir Unloaded ly the Parker Oaag.

TONAWANDA, April' 80. (Special) W. J. Parker and his non-union gang are unloading the Seattle, the union nien withdrawing from the scene shortly after Pat ker's gang began discharging the cargo. Early this morning a conference of union leaders concluded to make; no decided stand but simply to use diplomacy.

The idea of going to the boat in gang th morning as ordered by Secretary Barter last night was aban-, doned, owinir to a possibility of serious trouble and President Suits of the Union, accompanied by a few men. boarded the boat shortly before 8 o'clock -and again demanded of Capt. Still the contract of unloading the boat which was emphat'cally refused by the captain. President Suits then withdrew his men and returned to St iouIs Halt -where another conference was heid.M It is the earnest desire of the union ttrwia tlie stiuggle without; violence, but no one car just what time some hot-headed lumber jshpvep-will precl-pU3tte trouble. The iion-unlon nlen are Congratulating themselves, while along North and South Niagara Streets' gangs of union mm are congregated, lumber men and Swearing- that they- will be recognized' or "something Will ftrOD.

This -morning' the police were held in readiness for anything that might turn; up. Chief 'Day being -with the captain cn board the boat Secretary Barter wilPbe on hand today and assume control of the local BOARD, OF TRADE BANQUET Thomas H. Chapman- Will Be the Gaest of Honor. tonawanda, April 30. (gljwjlal.) The Tonawanda Board of Trade, will hold the first banquet since its organisation, at the Hotel Sheldon tonight.

Covers for 60 guests will be laid iformer MdUor' of the Herald, and a lite long newffpaper will be the finest, of jonor The affair will be a trewell i'n a days to take up his riildence WANTED Olrl for gansrol honaaworki German preferred; natural gas. 491 Ashland Ave. Main, MEDICAL AdvertlMmeri'a under this bead. Dally or Sunday. One cent a word.

LOST MANHOOD KESTOBEDNervou debility, blocd, akin, rheumatlam, chronic, private diseases of men cured; 25 years' experience; cowultat.on tree. Dt, Salter. ,86 Main Buffalo, tmo MILES" Energetlo Pills restores lost manhood relieve melancholy, create vtsor and confidence, prevents sexual decline, give atrengtn and energy to man and woman. Bold at Peteraoa'a drug a tore, 180 Seneca cor. Michigan; price 81.00; sent by mall on receipt of prloe, apr27tf-X PETERSON'S Improved Carbolic Ointment our Miimt and all itching dlaeaaes of the kln; mW by druggist and at Peter-on'a drug tture, 180 Beneoa cor.

Michigan; genuine cornea In glata Ji inly; price cents. mohtltf-mon-wed-frl OMEN'S dlaeasea and troubles; aU casta: treatments aeolualon: also oonflnementa; adoption; nurtia, dootora; private. Mra. 8mith, Uoodell bt. tTtmayl IADIKSPr.

La Franoo'a Periodical Com-J pouad, fir delaynd, irregular cr piinfui periods, haa no equal; only 880. at druag.eur". mchMtf-X FEMalsT beans Th grst monthly rri-later for women; not a Ullui; moat tubborn rilvd In tw day; pr 2, at StodUart druggtats, 14 Seneca St. jaa2tf-X ILL'S Engllh' Famala Pllla, aura monthly at Stoddtrt BMa' aprt7tl-X PRIVATE DISEASES of both quietly and thortAighly tratd; oharge raenn-abl. Dr- Crandali.

ia a. UlvUlon Buffxlo aprTtmay7 CANCERS, tumors, polypi, unnatural grow'jta, both anxaa, platnleaaly rmovd without rutting; gat mdloal Journal reports. Dr. Tur-vr. UT Washington St, Duftalo.

fblOtf-X LADIEM-Tab Tanay Pllla, are doubli atrength and work wonderful our; aollett th moat obstinate eaaes; for sal at fi.l-lowtng itnreai Ceulkon'a, Buneca Hti Ptron flnaa Dunning', Michigan and Kagl Bt. 1 or addreea. Tab' ttemady liuffalo; price 11.00. 7tmay8-X NEHVB BEANS reetora all weak parta, mak men itrcng, vlgoroua robuit; married nun and men Intending to marry, ahould take a bos; aetonlehlng reaulta; night ioea itnpped; lest power restored; 1, at tod art1, 84 SenroA Bu 2an22tt-X DR. 8PINNET 11 W.

Eaglo St, curra all acuta, chronic, nervoua, private and tpeclal dUeaaea; ladlea auffarlng with delayed or painful period will And immediate relief from our remedle; no operation necetaary; 81 yeat' experience; eonaultatioa tree. JanJStf-X IADIES who ana depondeit and In trouble i can obtain sympathy, councel and aid by railing on Or. Stsvena, room 1. 485 Main Buffala janl8tf-X RAY'S MIXTURE, a poiltly cur for gonorrhea and g'eet, old by alt drugglat and at Petereon'a 180 Seneca corner Michigan; prloe Sl.OO. JanUtf-X T7WEE TREATMENT Chronic blood, akin; both eixe: apaolal dUeaaea of men: atrlo turaa, varlooctle d'acharge; guarantead; mrd lolnea reaaonabla.

Dr. Turver, Hellevu graduate, 80 yaara' xpettanoe. tn Waihlngton 81. jtyttf-X OMEN'S DI8EASE8 Separate department: VV 80 year' experience; waakneas, dlohrg-, tumors, Irregularttle) operation unneeary; charge moderate. Dr.

Turver, 117 Waihlngton Bt )ly8tf-X DR. No. 845 Main St, eo. North see advertisem*nt In an other column, jlySRtf-X TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. IOIf BALB Coal and wood yard complete.

doing good euiHi-Mi; owner haa other buet-na to car fo-; railroad awttoh In yard, Jt. a. Iltinhart, 1445 ftenaea 0t. U0t6-O tOR SALKPkaaton buggy and two hmi, cheap, at -184 College Ht 0tl WANTED Oirla to laarn a light trade; mun good atwer. Apply M7 Mutn Bu 8011 WANTED tinsmith; on who haa lined re-frigeratota preferred.

N. J. Bernhardt, 718 JelTeraon bt. iotj A AT to let; 168 Broadway. tO-K WANTED Wanhliig and ironing or Itouae by the day.

3C4 Rhode Island 8U 80l WH1NGEERS and iswjeper repaired; orop postal, otton'm 80-Riley. 80tt SKIN and scalp diseases and ail facial blemishes permanemly cured. Dr. Louise Rob-Inscn, 510 Elllcott Square. Work guarante d.

Located la Buffalo seven year. Nillii SK wmca renew tne nerves ana juicaiy bund up the eye- tern. falo. 80U-X I TTUSON'S Clearing Bale! Flntst qtallty plat-' XX ed tablrspooB. iic each; lees than cost.

Connecticut bt. ft JT PRIL 80 8tart May right; buy a light-run ning uonvasuc. eewirg saacnine, Eagle and Pearl 8t MEN'S suite, steam-cleaned or dyed. The Oirmam Dye tVorks. 145 E.

Oeneae St WANTEI Hous painters. 81 Clintcn 8U I 80 A TTTANTED Place to assist In general bouse- work or to care tor children. Call cr ad- dress 118 Lathrop Bt. 30tZ WANTED Flret-class tailor girls at 80 W. Chippewa i 80UB TTtOR SALE 80-gallon milk route, hora and JJ- wagoa.

car of Times office. 80-L ETA MEN for warehouse work; 81.78 a day; t)U steady work. Mutual, 888 Main St. A OACHMAN Mutual. 885 Main.

80 A OT for stable 588 Main, 80-A lEAMSTEBS. (85 Main. 80-A SALESMAN-ISO month and mat 585 Main. 1 expenses. Mu-A OF THK Evening and Sunday Times vrhere adTertisemeats will be received at office rates aad newsboys saplicdi EAST SIDE.

A. E. Pearce, 571 Seneca 8t. Mrs. Ryerse, 707 Seneca St.

Frank Clements, 89 Peach St. P. Hlppchen, Sycamore and Johnson sts. Mrs. Leaswlng, 671 Clinton St.

Mrs. HalUS, 734 Michigan St Fred Hambridge, broadway. J. Loeach, 712 Broadway. J.

C. Endreaa, Clinton and Pratt Sts. C. J. Scheffler, 1821 Geuotee BU Rdw.

Allenbrandt, 8 Walden Ave. W. J. Hambrldae, 630 Gcneaas St Jhaa. Albert.

1507 Broadway. I. Jankowakl, Fillmore and Lovejoy. Mrs. Kraft.

787 Broadway. M. Fabrlng, 115 Peckham Bt r. Schenckler, 684 Broadway. Mrs.

Walters, 837 Clinton St Harrlnrton, 758 William St 3. W. Wygold, 1221 Lovejoy St. Mrs. Howard, 133 Goortell St.

J. C. Behrena, 407 Beat St. John Kujawakl. 757 William Bt COLD SPRIKO.

A. J. Glllott, 1038 Main St. Mlaa Vine, 1438 Main St. Geo, Atkins, JeftVrnon and Landon Sts.

John Harma.i, 8648 Main St. H. Springer, 486 Riley Bt. WEST SIDE. John Ray, Front Ave.

and Wllkeaon Bt. A. J. Brown, 61 Maryland St. W.

D. Heath, 370 Connsotlout St -k W. Alderman, Fourteenth and York Sts. Patrldge A Dillingham, West Ave. and Hampshire St.

G. E. Whitman, Grant St. Mrs. Odell, 883 Rhode Island St.

M. Van Horn, 288 Maryland St BLACK ROCK. F. E. Llndsey A Son, Niagara and Amherst fit.

C. Senf, 862 Grant St. Mra. Davia. 184 Dawltt St Wm.

Minlck. 198 Military. Road. SOUTH BUFFALO. James1 Stratton, 350 Elk St.

Mrs. Krummell, 310 Seneca St T. J. Powers. 750 Elk St TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY.

$1 linn AT Pr cent' nrmt mortgga fjyj on city property worth $6,000. K. A. Vvb.ti, 607 Mooney Bids. got WANTED-flrl for aneral housework.

Call 1S1 Auburn Ave. tOtJ-B AN wantad to take charts of our Employ. ri wmmn mii.l haw IIIWII. mm ww HWI xparlenee In tmploylns and hanrtlln hlp wi. mm i A ptrmannt poitlon at lars renponalbllity b4 (ood pay ao the rlsht man.

No on now out of employment nd apply. Oiv full experience, ato. etc when making- application. National Caah Hfltr Dayton, 0. A 1IV3R SALE-Tlmbrlard, 8C0 Urm, tm sore timber, 8 other timbered farm, oil production, ner railroad Addre 3, lianna.

Franklin, Pa. totmaylS ft BALE Cheap, bay mar, weight 1,100: on pntetnn nugxy, one piatrorm atas wagon, one earrlag. 7 Walden Ave. LOPT-April 86th ar Pan-Amertcan grountla or Park gcid link bracclut with gram M. It.

Pleaa return to Tim cilice; liberal reward. AfK PROSPECT furnished t.JO with or without ard. aotmayl 0p: FRANKLIN 8T A suite cf two par-A3 lor, every convenience, with -Taylor grate; also cn MngU room. aO.maydH nni NIAGARA BT. Very rentral.

Urge and email furnlahd or unfurnished room; gas and bath: reasonable. 30tmayJ3 O-le FRANKLIN ST. NICly tuM1lhl 0.1I roams with convenience; tranii nta ao-commo'lated. 3 trrayl QOtLECTOR Mutual Agency. 10 A ASSISTANT grocery clerk.

Mutual, SSS Main Street. A iR RENT Houee, 870 Ferry Bt; all nnnvrniencee: stable en cremlee. Inaulr 818 Mutual Lift Btdg. I WANTED Two good carriage painters ard one wc-odworker, at Lailos'a, U8 Cartel I St- 80t2 A RESPECTABLE lady Wlshea acquaintance cf respectable gentleman, 1 blact matrimony. Addre 8.

R-. No. 23. Times office. COTTAGE in rear; Cosy; rooms; 88 month; water included.

1180 Wt Avi. SOU I T7WJR RENT Large house; gcod location and JD good neighborhood; very cheap. 88 N. Peart St. sow-K.

poor to medium 415470; stoekers and feeders 34C505 80C450; heifers 825g Texas fed steers 00626; iTexas DUU milO'U-OIU. Hoas Receipts today, Sa.OOO; tomorrow 18.000; left over Z.j; a cents loiarer K7 i-J: mtxea mnu iu.curr OKtaou; good to choice beayy 1-2 heavy 523 535; light 688547 1-8; bulk ef sales 6403 b50 PRODUCE. Wuly 67 3-m-: My 5 B-8S3-1 oats may uiy 3 1-4S1-S Pork-July 12.72. Lard-July 720; Sept. 780.

Ribs-July fi6S BepC' S2. w. OIL MARKET "f- PITTSBURta. Alrli oined' 107. Temporary quarters for the Kew York Central and Went'Shore ticket office will 'iiraft central's nw April swh ta about ray TX71ANTED-A young girl to wash dish In a email family; wages 81.00 per wk.

Call at 881 Fifteenth St. WANTED Competent girl for general houae work; family of three. 88 Katohum Place. WANTED-Young girl to osatat with houee-. work.

444 Fourteenth Bt. WANTED Good girl for general housa work; no washing. 8JCtohuu Place. WANTED Al One, good girl for board lh houaa, Apply 48 Carmine Plaoa, nat Foreat Ave. girt to Help with work.

140 uorton St, near Lafayette houaa- AV. 'ANTED Maehlo girt oo oustom pants. i retuuuun bu ANTED Competent girt far general house, work; at 48 Norwood Av.s refers noe auired. ANTED Olrl, at the Hawthorne, 188 Bra T.1ANTED Olrl for general housework; refer, ft enoa required: houaecleaning Apply evening, at 885 Pennaylvanla St, cor. Weat Ave.

WANTED Oerroan girt for general housework. 88 Forgo Ave. WANTED A competent second girl at once. 771 West Ferry St. WANTED-Olrt for general housework.

Kl Hudson 8b WANTED Olrl for light housework; 18 years old. Rear 8M Sycamore St over 80 year; refer; VV eneea. 86 Cottage St WANTCD-Drasamakar. Apply at 811 and (18 Main St fl and makers la our miuttiery department: annlv at one to Adam. Meldrum Anderson Co.

rtao-B 1 ia win iot general nousewora; must TV hav rafareiuM. 1100 Delaware Ave. sttao-B WANTED OflOd sewing girl 840 Maurice St 5 1 j' S8t20 TTTANTED Olrl, to aaalst arlth light house- tt ww, iu mennen are. nt' 0 "TTTANTED Trained sura to care for tnvslH 14 Maiden Unav TTTANTED Sixty girl' this week, firm to 88 per week. Tork, W.

Cblpnewa 8t. SSimay TTTANTED Toung girt to asetst tn gen-ral houework; no children, no hotuecljanlng, or moving. Address 748V Prospect Ave. 8StS0-B CJALESLADT, offloe help, shop help, girl for restaurants, hotels, boats and housework. EmDioyment Bureau.

848 Mala St 4." j- j. i aprgtf WANTED Girl for Moond workt Swedish girl, wtth refentnee. preferred Knquir F. 'Times offlo. 1 r.

apriitf tTTANTETD Toung Udy stenographer, one ex- perlenoed la real ut; must speak German. Anply la own handwriting, S. a Frank, 889 utf-B SITUATIONS WANTEDt FEMALE Adrenisem*nts ander tht head. Dally er Sunday, Obe-half cent a word. 0TTTANTED Work by the day.

waehlng snd i V-l--l-. in r.v.(, MUST sell; excelleat houee. lot and barn. at'. TTTANTED A rpetable woman 4r1r p-sl-fully for thirty-seven tlon a working houekper In widower's worth ft-e thousand: wUI rent.

Homer B. Cud-, family or aged couple, or laundry work. Ad-ley. Elllcott drea 108 E. Eagle Bu tl ELL BOT; also porter.

535 Main. 8v A.

The Buffalo Times from Buffalo, New York (2024)


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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.