The Buffalo Enquirer from Buffalo, New York (2024)



R. Westlake, a civil engineer, recently of Boston, has met death In a singular manner here. tvith friwnda he went to the river to bathe McVlttle, 1 A. Cuba, Saranae, 220; Bueli and consorts, Cambria, Viking and consorts, Toledo, 1:40. Up Ira Owen.

Bcraaton, Nebraska, 630 A. M. Wind west, light; clear. DETROIT, June 19. Up Majestic, 930 last night; Glidden.

Sage, Warming ton. James Ftckands, Marlaka, 6:10 A. Naples. t0; William Chistolm. tJO', ileV da.

Down India, 10:30 last night; VkuK Flint, Genoa, Continental. Holland, 1130; Hurlburt. Clint. Moore. lljIA; Missoula, Wadena, Pasadena, and" consort, 12:10 A.

Wawatam, JS1-phlcke, A. P. Wright. Northern Wave, Matoa, Runnells, H. Johnson, Preston and barges, 8:40.

SAULT STE. Canisteo and consorts, 10 last night; Stimson, Hail, MorleyJ Centurion. Tempeat and consorts. 2 A. Caledonia.

Bulgaria, Northwest, Roanoke, Cross and consorts, 7: Harper, George Gould, C. U. Lock-wood, Eddy, 10. Down Algonquin, Hackett. Brown, 11 last night; Hiawatha end consorts, mklntd-v; Chamberlain nd consorts, 2 A.

Spencer, Pennington, Weed, City of Traverse, Yoklma, Santa Maria and con EKflts, 7: Peck, Avon, Prentice and consorts; Empire State, 10. PORT HURON', June 19. Down Thompson, Sligo, Corisande, Everett, midnight; George King and coirsorts, 1 A. Cormorant bjkI consort. Northern Wave.

Rose and consorts. Matoa, Robert Packer, Italia, Samoa, wind ERIE CANAL. Cleared June 19. L. Taylor, 8.000 wheat, Rochester.

A. Taylor, 8,000 wheat. Rochester. J. Delaney, 8,300 corn, Chattle, 7.000 wheat.

Lockporl. Allen, 6,300 wheat, Lockport. T. Bny. 8.400 wheat.

Albany. Ed. Leder, 8,400 wheat. Albany, j. Kuroy, whet.

Albany. D. J. Deyser, 8.300 wheat, Albany. J.

F. Hager, 11,000 oats, Albany. Fred Pettibone, 11,500 oats. Albany. Geo.

Murr, 8,200 wheai, Arbany. Flora Teener, 8.300 corn, Albany. i AATMfcNT OF rCSUO WOSTT. Buffalo N. Jaae IS, U.

Wled proposals fee-week ea suppUee aa forth blw, will be rovd at rhe efflee of rata eeparuaest. Roeea 1. Ctxf arvd County Hall, uatll 11 o'clock Ml, July Jd. 1SK. Ko proposal wfil be coatldere4 qbUsbI be accompanied by a earUOd check payable to th order Of tbe Board of Pubbo Works, ta the amouat speoifled ttew tee each separate proposal, or by a boad conforming to 1 iw, Mt bead te be fifty per eent.

of the sum aamed ta the presosal. PUSS aad speciSeaUoas ad eetimate et quantities cat be eea. and srtated forms proposals, and tastruetloa to bidders, and aay desired Information, caa be had ea application st the Bureaa of Engl ring. aad after this aata. Taie rparvaeat reaervee the nght Se reject any and all bfcla A separate proposal must be made for the work aad supplies laaluded ta rack aserrta-Uve paragraph following: Tot ring Raeseil treet thtrty CUT) feet wtde, from the wseterty euro itae ef Qrsea-Aeld Street to the easterly earb itae ei Farkslde Avenue, with ssaome TrlnVdad asphalt pavement, eirept the eroeatars now paved or ereered paved before the rreeeatatloa ef tfee petition, la aecordaaee with the petition predated to the Cetruuea Council April SOta.

m. Also for paving the above with the following traurWs: Oenaaa rock asphalt. Amertcaa fe4tast-aoua rock.Mllna dresretf block stoaa. an-1 brick pavements, la srcordsBte with pUe end spectflcattons on Cle In the of the Bureau ef EsglaeeriBg. Check coeo.

Tor paring Malta Alley tweaty C) fet wide, from the easterly curb ttne of "fTest Avenue to tbe norther ry curb lltve ef Wary-laAd aitreet. with gsnulae Tiintd asphalt pevewjent. la airordaace with petition presented to the Common Council April axh. ISM. Also for pevtng the above with IH following materiale Oermaa rock asphalt.

American Wtumlooue rock, Mediaa dressed block stone, and brick pavements, la accordance with plans and speclfi cations on Me la the efflee of tbe Bar ef atngraeer log. Check fM. Tor paving Columbia Street tweaty-etgM OJ) feet wide, from I fit northerly eur lice of E.k Street to the eeutherly curl Bae ef lrry Street, with geaulne Trinidad asphalt aavtnsnt union mMaur. lik a eoraance wita notice or inteanoa aaoprea (VMfluui 9f I W.MIA iMk Alee for paving the above with the fellow lag materials: Oermaa rock asphalt. American bituminous rock.

Medina creteed block stone, and bnck pavemeets, ta accordance with plans aad spectficaUdne file la the eflk ef the Bureau of lag. Cheek 1500. for paving Doogtass Alley Its width, from the east carta I la of XOieott 8treet to the west curb line ef Ceater Street with the following materials: Ger-maa rock asphalt, genuine aa-phaiC getralne AaierlraB bttnmtaoue reck. Medlaa dreseed block etone. aad- brie 1c pavements, tn accordance with aottee of La tentloa adopted by the Common OcmortJ March Kth, 1H sad ta acccrdanee with plans sad spectflcaooss on file ta the of the Bureau of Eaglaeerinr.

Check MOO. roe paring Ontario Street thtrty (M feet wide, from the nertbeetterty rur trm ef Niagara Street te tfee ctty tine, except the eroastags mw paved or edsred paved before the preeentaUoa of tbe petition, with A. L. Barber' genuine Trialdad asphalt pavement, ta accords cos with the petition reseated ta the Come on Council March fist. 1M Alee for paring the above with the following materials: Oermaa rock asphalt, genuine Ajaericaa bituaurvous reek, Medlaa dressed block stone, aad brtek pavsmeata.

ia aecordaaee 1th plans aad sprlOcatteiia on file ia the efT.ce of the Bureaa of Eaglneermg. Check B.0UO. Tat ruraUhing and erecting a Liberty Pole, where the Ueard ef Pvbas Works may hereafter direct. In aceerdaace wit plane and eoeclAceOone ea file ta the office ef the Bureaa et Check CSOi Per furnishing eeal to the Hamburg Canal Pumping Statiea tor seaeoa ef 1SM SS, La aecordaaee with speeiscetiens ea file in the office of tbe Bureaa ef Check ttCC R. -RSONl Acting Seeretary.

le-ls-M-M LtOAL NOTICES. COUNTY COURT COU NTT OP XJOX Jotta Lipp and Louiaa Lipp. his wife, arsiort rrattk Up p. Iauuae Lipp. his wifs, Fhliip Lapp, kiarg ret l-ipp, his wife, Michael Lipp, Aim Miyler, Ln ArEbruitir, MsMUlao.

Ja.La K. Wars. Lakaa P. Hamilton. Am Elisabeth Lipp, Charlotte K.

Urp. Annie King. To the above named defenjants: You are herev sammoaed te er.rwee the complaint ta tbis aeikoa aad te srve- a eepy ef your innr oa tbe attorasys within tweaty days after tbe service of this ewmmooa, eseluaive of tbe dsy of Service, end la ease of yeur failure to appear or mien, wi.i be taken flnt you by dfsi 'or The relief ta the rotnp-iint, rvl to be heid ta tbe Countv tf Kr. TJated this fTta day ef Mareh. ISM.

BlTU-YMoAlS A KKIBLWf, AttrnTS. Office TJ WnI Esc Strt. Bufta o. K. t.

Te the defendant. Uavlna P. HmUtow: The foregoing summons is ei aport" yoa by publication pursuant tesserfer ef Hon. Joph V. "titw, County Judge ef the Ceonty.ef trie.

Sated the th day ef Jum. 1Mb wn coey ef the eem- piaUkt ta Ui otfice ef ta Clrrk wt ta Coanty ef Erie In the City of TSaffai. which crop1iot was rlflnatly t. tbere on tee tat ear ef A art I. uat.

Tbs eb)ct taia acuoa is te make par tltloa aeooreiag to the rurt rights ef the parties, aad if partittea oaaat be made without prejudice te the awaea then for a sale ef the feUewing oeaonbea UaS and premises! All that certain piece or pare of laad rttaal ia tb City of BtJo, Cwlr ef Erte and lUtl of Tors, arvd boaA4 as follawt. eia: B'glniunf twe hundred and twenty-five rt aortberty tm the northerly Use of lUterle Street aad ts tat west line of MLcaory fltreet. runtag treaea northerly sloiig the werterly line ef Kioa-ory Street twmty-flve fet: thence westerly on a hae parallel with tistevla ftret ne hundred and eveotf-twe or Caere-aboots: tbencs southerty at right east twentr-ore fest; thenes eaeSsrfy aaasilai with hauvla flreet oae hundred sad sev enty-two feet to irt Fce of bariaaiaf. Buffalo, June i. m- BLLLTMOM5 A RETBOUf, pisIhtltTs Attortters.

OfEee Ti West Eagls itreet. BafIo K. T. tta-ta NOTICE TO enr OTTO R-9 y-urroaa to a ordsr ef Hn. Jseeb stern, rarreete ef Erie County.

N. T- aetice is herevy glrsst late of tbe City ef BufTsio, is said exhibit the same with the vewrhers twereof klmlnlitMlAr. a estate of tbe id deceased at tbe omee of adswona. "wwsna, fjt gwan 8iret, la tbe Cltr ef Buffalo. in ceaaty.

oa er bsfore tbe let dar af December, li ated tae uy j(5hs sTo.virwAy. KA.TB A. BATKS. A 1 WAMWORTK BLACTfUAN Attorneys for Ad mini rtra tare. maytrtaewta Qi THUORUAt re.

aasLTaiTeSeLr' a-r -e k.e gau throagheet tm Uuai Revelations of Police Corruption and Other Vices Expected. WAY0R BEFORE THE GRAND JURY. NEW YORK. June 19. A Herald special from Chicago says: Mayor Hopkins will be before the grand Jury today to tell what he knows about gambling, police protection, water steals, and suah things.

The grand jury has taken its cue from the Investigation now in progress in New York and will begin with the Mayor, who is the head of the Democratic tarty In Chicago, and the Chief Of the Police Department. There is very good ground for the belief that the present grand Jury is about te open up an investigation of public gambling that will produce sensational disclosures and perhaps at bring the corrupt combine under which gambling being protected In Chicago within the meshes of the law. BY THE FALL OF A TRESTLE. ENGINE AND TENDER WENT DOWN-FIREMAN KILLED. ZANESVILLE, June 19.

The trestle on the Bellalre. Zanesvtlle Cincinnati Railroad gave way near Woodsfleld last night, precipitating the engine and tender of a freight train to the bottom of the ravine. The fireman, Theodore Allen, was killed, and the engineer and front brakemaa were seriously injured. KELLY'S NAVY. OWENSBORO-S MAYOR P.EFUSES TO ALLOW THEM TO LAND.

OWENSBORO. Ky June 19. When Kl- ly's industrials reached the outskirts of this city last evening the Mayor refused to allow them to land. They got contributions of food and started for Louisville. Kelly said he would reach Washington by July 3.

and proceed to ask Congress for help for the unemployed. HE CARRIED A KNIFE. BRENNAN INTENDED TO ASSASSINATE PRISON COMMISSIONERS. ST. PAUL, June 19.

A plan to assassinate members of tba 8tate Prlsen Board of Minnesota has bwn discovered. When the Prison Board recently visited Stillwater, Michael Brennan, who has escaped from prison and been captured at New Orleans, tried to eecuresan interview to air alleged grievance. His actions were so suspicious that he was searched and a sharp-pointed knife was found in his possession. He admitted his intention to stab the commlsstanera. A NEBRASKA CYCLONE.

SMALL IN EXTENT. BUT TERRIBLE IN DESTRUCTION. HARRISBURO. June 19. The northern part of Sioux County was visited Sunday by a cyclone which waa terrible in its severity, but comparatively small ia Its extent.

Everything In its path was swept from the earth. Bams, sheds, wagons and Implements of D. W. Woody were completely demolished. Rufus Woody and his horse in a shed were picked up and carried through, the open roof and landed again 200 feet away.

Neither received serious injury, bat Woody's face was bruised by the flying sand and gravel. THE DALT0NS SUCCESSORS. FIGHT WITH THE COOK GANG, NOW THE MOST DESPERATE. TAHLEQUAH. I.

June 19. During a battle Sunday evening near Wagoner between the Sheriffs posse and the Cook gang of outlaws, Zequoah Houston of the Sheriff's posse waa killed aad "Bob" Martin, an outlaw, waa captured. Several others of the Sheriff's posse were wounded, some of them, it is said, fatally. Cook and all but one of his gang escaped. Since the killing of "Bill" Dalton.

the Cook gang is considered the most desperate of the territory desperadoes. They Intended to rob a stage load of people on their way from the Big Cherokee payment at Tahlequah when Deputy Guord and his posee ran them down. A courier Just in from the scene of the battle brings news that the gang is sur rounded and another encounter Is inevitable. The Sheriff Is being reinforced. A LOCKPORT SUICIDE, HORACE H.

SERVISS. SHOT THROUGH THE HEAD. DOCKPORT. June 19. Horace IL Serrlsa, a prominent resident of this ctty, committed suicide by shooting himself through the right temple late yesterday Sfteraeon.

He was found about o'clock In the evening by Van S. Douglasa Grasped Arti-ly in the right hand was a t2-calibre revolver with which the deed was committed and from all appearances he had been dead for some hours. On a table in the room was a eilp of paper, on which was written tbe evddrese ef hie wife, who is visiting in Brooklyn aad ef two sons and a brother, but no cause for the deed was given, nor the slightest cause is known. Mr. Servtss ass 60 years of age and Was a well-known and highly respected cltlsen.

He was division superintendent of the rie Canal from 1M3 to and was a prominent politician of the Firth Ward. At present not the slightest reason can be assigned for the terrible deed. The Coroner was notified afld took charge of the esse. NOTES AT RANDOM. The contests over the wills of the late Frank Ruse and Thomas Oannah have been settled and the wills admitted to probate.

Mrs. Mary Grieve, until recently head Burse at Riverside Hospital, has been en. gaged by Mrs. Dr. Kemball for feet women's private hospital at Mo, ta West Tupper Street.

Of the 11 largest cities In the union Buffalo has the next to the lowest death rate. St. Louis drain rate II. li. that of Buffalo 19.SJ.

WteQ Df. Wende came lata otnee Buffalo's death rate was The trial of Jasper charged with ktlllnr Mary Jack Spruce on the CaXtarm-gus Reservation last fall, will be begun tn the United Statee Circuit Court at Caiman dalgua this morning. Logan is ia the Xns County JaiL CLAIMING HIS FTtlVILEOEB. Harlem Life. I think I will take a holiday the neat three weeks," remarked tbe secretary aad treasurer of a private company to the Shairman thereof.

"But yea reraraed Irexii one eniy twe week "Tree; tsatt was my holiday as secretary. Ua te ge ae as The Northwest Repai rin Damages Here. fV Barge In Trouble at the Lime Kiln Crossing. Vessels due to arrive soon. The North West arrived her about 1 o'clock this morning and will leave on her return trip to-night.

Workmen were taken on board at Cleveland who began the work of making- repairs en route and are finlslv-Ing up her to-day. Wh'Je rounding to and heading up stream In order to get to her dock In Detroit yesterday morning. fh North West came Into collision with the steamer City of MacSlnack of the, De'roit Cleveland Com pan Lake Huron Division, and damaged her to the extent of about $1,500, chiefly about the bow. The North Weat la reported to have mucij an ugly dent In the Mackinack's upper works, but the" only damage the big boat showed was a line extending a little way back along her port where her paint had been scratched off. FREIGHTS AND CHARTERS.

June 19. The ore freight market is dull at 70, 60, and 43 cents from Ashland, and Escanaba- respectively. DTJLtTTH, June 19. Tonnage Is freely offered at 2 Cents on. wheat to Buffalo, but there la no demand for It.

CHICAGO, June 19. What little corn la being offered for shipment la being taken by the tinea at 1 cent to Buffalo. Vessel agents do not' seem. to be making any effort whatever to place boats at that fig-are, and the -several craft which have been loaded here recently Have been temporally laid up. 'CHICAGO TOPICS.

CHICAGO. June 19. Capt. Cyrus Sinclair. Jrreeking master for C.

A. Macdotiald, returned today from the straits he fised the buried hulk of the Waldo very. He the steamer sunk at a dock Duncan City, "I do not know yet what imposition be made of what is left of the Avery," Mr. Macdonald said. "I think we will sell her for what she will bring where ehe is and let the purchaser do the rebuilding.

The failure of the Christopher Columbus to get Into St. Joe harbor yesterday will most likely result in that steamer being p.iced -on the Chicago-Milwaukee run altogether, abandoning the two trips -cheduled acres the leke to St. Joe each week. Sounding's are betng on the sandbar, St. Joseph harbor, today, but it is thought that there 4a not enough water on the bar to make it safe" for the to attempt to croea it.

'RAN INTO THE BANK. DETROIT, June IS. The barge Clint, In tow of the schooner Hurlbut, ran hard aground on the Canadian shore at the Lime Kilna "Crossing this morning. The baree was turned out of th mnru tn avoid aomsion wrth a. schooner anchored in the Crossing and struck heavily on the tnk.

She was released, however, by the steamer Hurlbut and is not thought -to be damaged. She Was grain laden. VESSEL APPOINTMENTS. PORT HURON, June 19. Capt.

Jamea of the steamer Roanoke has been appointed Marine Superintendent of the F. and P. M. steamers with head office at Milwaukee. Capt.

Lon Cox was appointed master of the Roanoke. Capt. William, Anderson has been appointed maater or 'the steamer Thompson. Capt. Robert McLeod of the steamer Osceola will take command of the Colorado, and Capt.

William Lead will sail the Osceola. A WHALEBACK YACHT." What Is considered as a radical depart-ire rrora precedents In yacht building ias been received In this city, and Is now Sargent's warehouse. This new craft is xpected to take part in the yacht races ha nrlll Viaa vtivt TnnA An.4 I She was built in Fort Worth, and may be classed as a whaleback yacht. She is such a pronounced departure from marine architecture that her performance w.Ul be eagerly watched by all those who take an Interest la yachting matters. Sha ia a queer-shaped object, too, being about 32 feet in length by about 6 feet Seam.

She has no straight lines and is of shape of a large cigar, pointed at the 'orwalrd end, and has a whaleback extending from the forward part to about 15 feet aft, and she is claimed to be In all respects absolutely unsabmergible. ane nas air cnamoers nttea inside, and her. forward bulkheads are airtight; she has a centerboard which ia very heavy, being made of iron, heavily weighted with lead, and her rudder la as massively constructed, the draws only two feet amidships and will have but little resisting power, compared with other yachts when being propelled through the -water. She is lugger-rigged, and it ia understood that but one man will be required to sail her. Galveston News.

STEAMER GREEN AGROUND. SAULT STE. JdAftlE, June 19. The steamer Qreea and consorts, down bound, lumfeer laden, are aground on Little Lake George fiats. The tugs Brotkway and Mentor have gone to them.

LAKE RECEIPTS, following are the receipts by lake of principal commodities for the past 24 hours: Oats 127,000 bushels. Ob rn 278,000 bushels. Rye 14,000 bushels. Flour 200,750 barrels. Lumber, 600,000 feet.

EX FORI B. Following are the exports for the same vs. vuuv Coal 14.SS4 etna. Salt 100 aacks. -Cement 784 sacks.

PORT OF BUFFALO. Reported June 1. Steamer New Orleans, Chicago, oats; Norwalk, corn; S. Reynolds, Duluth, flour; Russia, Green Bay, ots; SpokaneT Washburn, corn Cayuga, Chicago, James Colgate, Duluth, wheat, EJben Ward. Dukith, Mohawk.

Chicago, VasMiea-birt, Duluth, flour; Byrtta. nit taker. Chicago, corn. SobootMrs It ate Brainard. Cleared June Steamers Russia.

Menominee, mdse. Clarion, Ciieago, mdse. Star, Duluth, Jarqe B. Colgate, Duluth. i -k.

it. nk i laana. Chicago, coal; Otympla, W. Superior, coal; g. C.

Reynolds, Dtrtuth. coal; C. F. BeUnmn, Duluth, coal; Norwalk, Duluth, coat; B. WMHaker, Chicago, coal SoUaias TTnlie Brarnaed, Chicago, light.

tP9 AND DOWNS. MACKINAW i'CITT. June 1. Down-Alaska, U4 last night; La sails, midnight; Wast Laactaf BosiaeH Met) Hits lay E.IQUafg Btaeen. 'OWTIB'S DELICIOUS- ANGEL FOOD.

-Try it with year lee areata. COACHES FOR FUNERALS, Wlf ding, and DHrtng rartlea IMICHIEL F. DUIBEHGEE 40 Broadway. BaOale. M.

X. CHAS. H. libsr. and blank Book Maaufaelore.

Cor, tJUoott and a. Virlaion ata. tb eheerfullr fumlti4. Publisher Oaii.f kfta-Cahtils WrtiLt aauKX's Jovax juu REAL. ESTATE AND tNSURANOE KAKk J.

UiSMl.NU. SOS Broadway. Tax and title earrhe furnished promptly. The best Insurance Companies are 00. bis list.

a tow OPEX FOK BrsiXEsw The Unloa IN Park hotel. Kiacara trolltrs ran tbs Isrk. rm for ptema. At pit at the Hotsl or No. 1 Terreee.

buff.Jo. 1. 1 RANK MAR U.S. Prop, i HOB. JOICZ.

Mgr. C'Y Provisions imported sad las ware, al Henrv King's, nu "BROADWAY. I YOU WANT ofWVJor Bummer Wear ratrea te c. r. rfuir, 4v MERCHAKT TAILOR.

1 151. Eljle SL MOKKT ADVANCED on diamond. wata. ee. jewelrr, L.lorvKl t'awnbrolcer.

MO Main Street, ever renfntd'a lewelry stere. All bptne yt-IL'T enndn.ttai. 5,000 BDSIKESS CARDS, Ji2 All other prtarlcg as The Bafco*ck-McMif hitl Co. iftSZZ IFYOU WANT PURE DRUGS get 2Vo. 497 Geoee trt.

HeaiattarUre far fil'NYOV RkMEDIKS. FRANK LANG. "JS STAR MAM. ptUCAdtS. Poultry aad Game, Ba'ter, Eggs aad Cfeesee.

rie" UHal temtt SL OWL.NQALawascaIrII No. 339 BROADWAY. Iam fit ems Attacass. Wtysses tm as srssfM COAL AN ordsrlag your Coal (or the en imDLWKIIBEBS Akcadc xisrrr clothxxo ksveiast reoelved a lare aeeortmsst ef an inior-msoe aiws paar an past andoveret. to be sold at I ld alf toa make.

ltCOUhMaT, BOOTS, SHOES AXD BCBBK1U La eaalees variety and st lawest prioea, "CHARLES 21 FLE, 145 Broadway, near Michigan. HNE DENTAL WORK Dons BT THX KT? TURK PIE ITT MTU. ELSH RAREBITS AND 4TS Mil 8T. CONNOISSEURS of Clear HevaaaCJr're (There is no qus.tmo) bat that the Cato Is cot only the bset known clear ia America but the best ia quality. All Crst-elaae oeaisrs sell them.

IMPORTED COBURGER BEER aai I Berliner Weiss Beer uyPjfclWJLu 1 GETHOEFER'S CALL FOR YOUR DIAMONDS. Watchea Cloeks and Jewelry at Eepas.yircitifcty.fBED rnn ME wa.vted who wast to look OUU wlldreeed.toeailatthe BUFFALO a W. Mhsk u-. THE KINNE SHEARER next to the Iroquois Hetsi. cotk tai PblrUsoe are Ue en if Msn's Furnishers It kaffalo whs are strictly UP TO DATE.

AyA mission House, FORT ERIE, ONT. feet tmm Pea at rsrry Street trtrj Rv SUasHt. CCKKYE LAMYH re usaaeataablr sr. bet. We have the sole tr icy for la ottr.

peaklofT ibas sad Repair Wsrk, se. 14. and It a day. THE OIL! Wine Room in Buffalo. II West Eagfle Street.

CHAE1ES H. JOHISOI. 101 ARK wim I and rUlt H. C. HOWARD A- CO.

Cora-1 minion Office, Boat lesves every 1'OH ItlET UUL (T CftESCEXI PAYEMEJI V. TOR SIDEWALKS Uocicclied Durability Guarinife-J. HOFELLER, 95 Erie Couty Bui notice or ms-raiBtmotf-scRRo- gete's Court-Erie County. In the matter of the distribution of the preceeeds of the sale of the real eetate ef Hugh Haseett. dessasea.

Notice ie hrey givvm that the surplus meaeys dfrivsd freca the foreclosure sale of the rAl eetate of Hugh Hassvtt, deceased, late of Buffalo. N. will be distributed by the said Surrogate emong the creditors ef said deceased in prop rile to their respective deeta aecordiag te law at the Brreaes Cwirt Em County ia the City eod Centy Hall at Buffalo, jw, ea the lTth dar ef Jul, uh, at is Abated Buffalo. Jtme tn. JACOB STEriy, SU-ta urregate.

OTI CE OPRSMO AUe P. M. mZGFRiLD, fiertbat Ti3r, Has sieved te INo. 173 Soneca Street Where he has a Taeahtlful Hue of sprter suitings aad price Ota will the time THE SAME AS YOU eaagsl la Ksw York Cur. WfceW Hot or Cold Lunch, Jar uim r-at at oiia.xariarapvn.uiar Prieed Re-Bshsca street.

Hcrtotlr first-eUaa, Ut 56. and, thinking the water deep, plunged In. head first. The water was only IS inches deep and his head struck rocky bottom. breaking nts necn.

He retained consciousness and waved his hand for help. He waa taken out and lived for three days, being conscious all the time. DAMAGE BY CLOUDBURST. SEVEN FEET OF WATER IN THE STREETS BRIDGE SWEPT AWAY. WICHITA, June 19.

A cloud-burst occurred la the Southern part of this county yesterday afternoon. The wire are down and no details can be secured. It Is reported seven feet of water was in the streets of Mulvan at one time. The Arkansas Bridge at Derby was swept away by the sudden rush of water. It is believed a large amount of damage has been done.

STUNG BY A LOCUST. THE FIRST DEATH RESULTING FROM THE PEST. NEW YORK, June 19. A Herald special from Newburgb says: The first death from the Sting of 17-year locusts occurred Sunday night In the mountains back of West Point. The victim ia George Pavek.

the 10-year-old son of John G. Pavek, general service clerk in the military poet at West Point. Sunday forenoon George, with several members of the family, wandered out in the mountains from the Pavek residence. Locusts have been remarkably numerous and very destructive In that vicinity for Several days. The children had not gone far when they were set upon by a big swarm of the insects.

George was bitten upon the hands and face. The children hurried homeward, but on their way the bitten boy's arms and hans to swell and become discolored. A physician was sent for but did not arrive for some time. In the meanwhile George suffered terribly from the effects of the poisonous stings. Medical aid was unavailing, and he died in a few hours.

CAUSE OP GRAVITATION. ROBERT STEVENSON ANNOUNCES HIS NEW THEORY UPON THE SUBJECT. SAN FRANCISCO, June 19. Robert Stevenson, member of the Academy of Science, in a lecture before that body last evening, declared that the true cause of gravKsv tkn had at last been discovered. Newton' theory of centripetal force prtven to be simply a delusion as complete as the Ptolemaic delueWn of the motion of the heavens.

According to the new theory, there is no need for an etherta! medium to transmit force or energy, as both can be made to paas through a vacuum without amy accompanying matter. The lecturer said the facts stated have been for several months in the hands of Lord Kelvin, president of the Royal Society, and according to this new law. any weight whatever, if given horisontal velocity near the surface of the earth equal to one thousand and thirty-six feet ber second, would never fall to the earth, and if a dlso of any weight be rotated free in a horizontal plane with resuKant velocity or momentum of velocity equal to one thousand and thirty-six feet per second, the disc would lose all its weight; so that the construction of flying machines is only a question of engineering skill and capital. THE COURT RECORD. Supreme Court, General Term The Hon.

Charles Dwigbt, Presiding Justice. June ia. Charles W- Ets and one va Almira Place. Submitted. DeWltt C.

LeFebre, as survivor, vs. Charles W. Philips at aL Argued and submitted. Catharine 8. Martlneau, administratrix, vs.

Rochester Railway Compaay. Argued and submitted. John Barg vs. Eugene J. Chapman.

Argued and submitted. Day Calendar Nos. 74, 6, 12, 14, 23, 83, 40, 4L Supreme Court Circuit The Hoa. Henry A. Chllds, Justice.

June 19. John E. Oorse vs. The Niagara River Brewing Company. On trial.

Day Calendar Nos. 249, 162, 255, 262. 104, 308. 114. 263.

Supreme Court. Special Term The Hon. Jehn S. Lambert. Justice.

June 19. Margaret L. Jackson and one vs. Hiram J. Plumsteel.

Order cancelling lis pendens. William N. Schad vs. Same et eX Like order. The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York va John L.

Donovan. Order of discontinuance and cancelling lis pendens. Same vs. William II. Blade et aL Like order.

James H. Ford, a trustee, vs. Robert E. Hughes et at. Judgment of foreclosure and sale, A.

Fybuflh to sell. Kate McNamara, by guardian, vs. The N. Y. C.

H. R. Company. Order of discontinuance. Hiram P.

Hall vs. Same. Like order. Christine L. Anderson Va Charles Benson.

Order of reference to C. Lock-wood. Superior Court of Buffalo, Trial Term The-Hon. Edward W. Hatch, Judge.

June 19. Scranton Supply and Machinery Company va John E. Mclntlre. Jacob Morgenstern vs. Charles 9.

H11L Case stricken from calendar. Day Calendar Nos. 20, 93, 94. 136. 140, 19.

170. 172, Court adjourned to June 21 at 10 A. M. Superior Court of Buffalo, Eoulty Tsrm The Hon. Truman C.

White, Judge, June 19, The Manufacturers Traders' 3ank vs. Charles I Feldman. On trial. Superior Court of Buffalo, Special Term The Hon. Edward W.

Hatch. Judge, June 19, In re Justification of sureties In Charles Haas and one vs. Stefano Grandlle. Defendant directed to execute new bond with new surety and defendant to sUrfl hond. James P.

Hennessy ra the Lake Shore A Mlchiwan Southern Railway Company. Order of discontinuance. Joseph Piernchl va the New York Central Hudson River Railway Company. Like order. Fred Stembach.

as administrator, Ya Same. Like order. Nikolla Drsetneeht, as administrator, vs. Same. Like order.

Srie County Court and Court Of Beestone The Hon. Joseph V. Beaver, Judge, June 19, Mathlae Reiadle va the Oatllng Town Site Company et al. Referee's report of sale confirmed and deficiency Judgment ordered. Earl W.

Bailer vs. Charlea J. Doenma Order of reference to W. J. Benedict.

irisn-ABierlean Savings A Loan Assoeta-tloa vs. Julius O'Brien et al. Like order to D. V. Murphy.

John Durni va August Gaily. Jury oat. POLICE DEPARTMENT COAL BIDS Bide were opened a Police Headquarters this morning for 1,000 tons 04 coal which the department wfM use during the coming year. Chart ee F. Watt waa awarded Uve contract.

His bid for grate seal wee H.T2, rr- stove. UM; efcestnttt. fa st. Half a doaea mercAeante eufemetted tods. LOCAL GRAIN AND CATTLE POINTS.

NEW YORK. June 19, 10.10 A. M. The market for stocks was feverish at the opening this morning. Chicago Gas.

Sugar and Cordage were firm, while the bankrupt Issues were heavy. Union Pacific fell to 11 7-8 and Atchison 7-8. The Grangers and Trunk Lines were quiet. 11 A. M.

The stock speculation waa irregular after the opening on a Hght volume of business. The only stocks that showed any signs after of activity were Chicago Gas, Sugar. Union Pacino and Northern Pacific preferred. The first" two were nrm, while the last named ware heavy and lower. Sugar ros 7-8 and Chicago Oas 3-4.

Union Pacific fell -1 3-4, Northern Pacific preferred 11-4 and Atchison 1-J on. liquidations. The Grangers were firmer on the strength of wheat and St Paul advanced to -60 1-4. United States cordage preferred was firmer than the common and roe to 40 3-4. At 11 o'clock the market was quiet.

Money on call easy. 1 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 3 1-44 per cent. Bar liver, 62 1-4 per cent. Go-vernment bonds firm.

Railroad bonds Stocks dull. 2:13 P. M. Liquidations In the bankrupt stocks were the feature of the stock market this afternoon. Commission hoiwes were sellers for the account of tired holders.

Boston parted with considerable Union Pacific and the stock fell to 3-4. Erie declined 1, Atchison 1, Reading 3-4, and Northern Pacific preferred 1 1-J. The reduction In the July dividend of" the Fitchburg Road from 2 to 1 per decided upon taday. has started up nfref-h the talk about the probable action of the New York Central directors on Friday next when the Mvidend is to be declared. The reaction the general market ranged from 1-4 to i-t per cent.

At 2:13 the market was steadier. Sales to o'clock: Listed. unlisted, 14.000. BUFFALO. OPENING Spring wheat-Opened dull and lower, very little demand.

No. 1 hard spot, 68 8-8c; No. 1 Northern do. 67 3-8c; c. 1.

f. No. 1 hard, 671-2; do No. 1 Northern, 66 l-4c. Winter wheat Opened dull but firm, demand light.

No. 1 white, 63c: No. 3 red. 61c. Corn opened firm, fair demand.

No. 2 yellow, 46c; No. 3 corn. 45c: No. 3 do, 44c in store; No.

2 yellow on track. 47c. Oats Opened held higher. No. 2 white, 481-2c; No.

3 do, 47 3-4c; No. I mixed, 46 l-2c. Rye Opened firm. No. 2 was held at C6c In store.

CLOSING Spring wheat closed quiet and easier, demand light; limits l-4c lower. Sales were made of 3.000 bu No. 1 hard spot at 68 1-4-SG8 3-4c; 3,000 bu No. 1 Northern do at 66 3-4c; 4.W0 bu No. 1 hard c.

1. f. at 67c; 10,000 bu do at 63 l-4c; limits on spot stuff 9c over Chicago July for No. 1 hard and 8c over for No. 1 Northern; c.

i. f. limits 8c over for No. 1 hard and 8-4o over for No 1 Northern. Closing, prices were: No.

1 hard tpot, 68 l-8c; No. 1 Northern do, 67 l-8c; c. i. f. No.

1 hard, 67 l-8c; do No. 1 Northern, 65 7-c. At Chicago July wheat opened at 65 l-2c and closed at 69 l-8c. At New York July wheat opened at 65 l-4c and cloeed at 62 l-8c At Duluth July wheat opened at 62 l-2c and closed at 61 l-2c. At Minneapolis July wheat opend at 62c and closed at 61 l-8c.

Winter wheat closed quiet and unchanged; no demand fof this stuff; No. 1 white 63c asked. No. red 61c asked. At Detroit No.

1 white cash opened at 69c and closed at 69Hc; No. 2 red cash opend at 584c and closed at 68V4C Corn closed steady, demand good, offerings fair; sales were made of 4 cars No. 2 yellow at 46c; 6 cars do at 47c on track; 18.000 bu No. 3 corn at 444c, 1,600 bu No. 2 corn at 44c in store, closing at 47c for No.

2 yellow on track: No. 3 yellow 46c, No. 2 corn 4S4c, No. 3 corn 4414c In store. At Chicago July corn opened at 41V4c and cloaed at 4l4c.

Oats closed scarce and higher. Demand good. Supply light. Sales were made of 1 car No. 1 white at 48 1-40, 2 cars No.

3 do at 1 car do at 48 3-4c, 1 car do at 60c. 6cars No. 3 do at 47 l-2c. 2,500 bu do at 4Sc. Closing prices No.

3 white 60c, No. 3 do 49c. No. 3 mixed 47c. At Chicago July oats opened at 39c and closed at 39 l-4c.

Ry closed steady and unchanged. At Chicago July rye opened at 49l-2o and closed at 49 l-4c. BUFFALO LIVB STOCK. CATTLE. The receipts were light, only 1 car of fresh arrivals, but all of 75 loads held over.

The market was without decided chinge from yesterday, and with the atteniance of several Out-of-town and Dae tern buyers and a number of orders that came in a fair number of the best offerings were sold at fully as good as yesterday's pric. Common and green grassy cattle verydull and lower. Choice to heavy extra heavy steersI4 75 Good to choice 1250 to 1250 4 Sff4 40 Good handy steers, 1060 to 1200 lbs. 4 004 25 Light 3 000 86 Common and rough fat steers 3 003 75 Fat cows, corn fed, 9 254t3 75 Common to fair cows 2 0o3 00 Stoclters, good to choice 2 75 Feeders, light to 3 OOti 3 TO Bulls, light to 2 VTi 26 Veal calves common to 2 604 60 Common to fancy cows and Springers 25 0042 00 HOGS. There was only sdx loads' on Sale, and for these the market ruled fairly active and fully lOo higher fof heavy grades, while Yorkers and good light weights were all of 10 to 16c better.

All were sold. quote; good to X5.053... Yorkers, light to 6.065.10 Medium. 18S to fcanrba 1.006.05 Good heavy. 240 Si 6.0oa Roughs, common to good 4.

0094.50 Stags, common to good 3.004(3. so Pigs, fair to choice 4.905.06 SHEEP, AND LAMBS. There was ho tfesh receipts at all today, and but eight loads held over, seme of the stock being returned to the country and some shipped out in first hands. There waa no demand outside of a few for feeding purposes, and prices remain nominally the same. quote: Extra good wethers Oood to choice handy, 90 to 100 lbs.

3.15&3.40 (food to choice mixed sheep 2.80Ot.2S Common to fair 2.00S3.50 Culls, eta 1.0064.50 Good to extra spring lambs i.eS-a.OO Good to choice do 3 Hr3.50 Common t', fair 2.50-&3.25 Yearling sheep, fa'r to prime 2.253.M POLISH MURDKRBR3 ARRAIGNED. Joseph Ledwdn and bis wife, Anna Led-won. and Joseph Sowatskl, charged with murdering George Barowits on Carroll 8-treet in 1890, were arraigned before Justice King tfeie morning. Ttiey nleaded hot guilty and were held for the grand Jury. W.

W. Saperstone appeared as their NO POSTPONEMENT. There wDl be; be postponement of the Highland Park lawn fete thla evening. In ease of rain the fete will be held in the Guild House M. A.

Stone, 8.500 rye, Albany. J. DagwelU 8,500 rye. Albany. G.

J. Selgle, 8,400 Wheat, Albany. M. Dunn, 8.400 wheat. Albany.

Str. C. L. Haines, 6.000 wheat, W. Troy.

H. J. Jacquith. 8.300 com, W. Troy.

H. J. Hannagran. 7.832 wheat, W. Troy.

Kate, 8.000 corn, W. Troy. J. J. Phalen.

8,600 corn, Atbaay. N. J. King, 8,300 com, Albany. T.

BeH, 11.800 oats, Albany. I. T. Clark. 11,800 oats, Albany.

Mary, 150,000 lumber, Syracuse. Str. N. Y. Recorder, 6,500 corn, Albany.

M-ay Flower, 8.500 corn, Albany. M. A. Balch, 11,500 oats Albany. A.

S. Annis, 11,600 oats. Albany. Capt. J.

Broadbeck, 170.000 lumber, C. Broadbeck, 170,000 Rome. McGowan, 8,508 corn, Alfcany. T. Shanley.

5,500 corn, Albany. B. 8,500 corn, Albany. J. O.

Callaghan. 8,600 com, Albany. F. Ski way, 11,550 oats, Albany; -May Flower, 10,730 oats, Albany. E.

R. McCarthy, 8,262 wheat, Albany. Jennette, 8,300 wheat, Albany. Monarch. 8,400 corn, Albany.

G. A. Baker, 8,200 corn. Albany. W.

J. Britt. 12.100 oats, Albany. A. J.

Wrlht. 11,300 oats Albany. C. H. Saulspaugh.

12,612 oats. Albany J. D. Oxner, 12,800 oats, Albany. Willie and George, com, Albany.

W.VH. Cowper, 8.900 corn, Albany. S. 8.600 corn, Albany. D.


A clever at- tempt to swindle Western tourists coming to Niagara Falls has just come to light. Mileage books hae been issued by the "Niagara Falls Railroad Company" that have every indication of being genuine. There Is no such railway. A SHORT SESSION. LITTLE WAS DONE BT THE CONSTI-TUTIONAL CONVENTION.

ALBANY. June 19. Among the memorials and petitions presented to the Constitutional Convention this morning were several for the abolition of appropriations for sectarian Institutions, for the annual, inspection monasteries, nunneries, for striking the word "male" from the-Consti-tution, for extension of the Civil Service Reform, and for the separation of local and general elections. The Superintendent of Banks, in answer to a request, reported a list of Bavlngs institutions and the reports of dormant accounts together with the law requiring reports. There are 1.127 saving institutions in -the State.

The number of dormant" accounts reported since 10 is: 1890, total. 411; 1892, 459; 1893, 447; 1894, 687, a grand total Of 6.967. Number of accounts reported dormant which have since been paid, or become active: 189L 161 1892; 116; 1893, 106; 1894, 105; total, 488. The Superintendent savs the law does not require a statement of the amount of the accounts. In presenting a petition from Saratoga for the inspection Of nunneries.

Mr. Lester protested against being held responsible for petitions which he presented. Mr. Riggs, in calling attention to that provision of rule 63 which provides, that each delegate must vote when required to do so, to which he had objected at the time of its adoption, read a letter from Thomas B. Reed in which Mr.

Reed said he did not think it wise to force a man to vote when he had no opinions to express. "I do not think the matter of touch Importance," said Mr. Rigga, ''and as I have the probable next Republican candidate for President on my side. I will let it go." Among the proposed amendments submitted were the following: By Mr. Parkhurst, empowering the to provide for the transmission of the votes of all electors Who shall be inmates of the Soldiers' Home to the election districts in which said electors shall respectively reside, and for the return and canvass thereof in said district.

By Mr. Roche, providing that Justice or inferior local courts of civil and criminal Jurisdiction shall be elected, the Legislature to prescribe their terms, not exceeding six years, ahd to Ax salaries. A Judge of mch courts must be a Supreme Court attorney of at least five years' standing. i By Parmenter, providing for submitting to the people in 1904. the question of holding a Constitutional The convention shall Judge the qualifications of Its own members, nil vacancies and keep and publish a Journal.

By Mr. E. R. Brown, providing that when an action for libel has been dismissed, the costs shall be borne by the person bringing action. By Mr.

Pratt, forbidding the Legislature to exempt from taxation any property not now exempt. Adjourned until tomorrow. ALL DISEASES 6f cured by Hood Saraapariilar lch by its vitalizing, enriching, and effects makea otdy PURE DLOOD. TOO LJLTB TO CXAtilfT. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; small family; natural gas, Prospect Avenue.

WANTED NURSE GIRL TO TAKE care of baby two years td must English. 161 Prospect Annus.

The Buffalo Enquirer from Buffalo, New York (2024)


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